(13) Be my girlfriend

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After enjoying the rain, Hanni went into her room to change and have dinner. She purposely didn't meet Minji; besides, it seemed like she was just talking nonsense about wanting to talk about her birthday.

Hanni wasn't sure if Minji would wait for her. The woman seemed very busy and had a lot of matters to attend to.

"Why didn't you come to my office?" a voice in the darkness startled Hanni. She squinted her eyes and saw Minji sitting there in the dimness of her room.

"Why did you enter my room without permission?" Hanni exclaimed in surprise.

Her hands fumbled for the light switch on the wall, trying to dispel the darkness shrouding Minji because she looked more menacing in the dim light.

Hanni managed to turn on the lights, and they immediately illuminated Minji. She was sitting on her sofa, casual in black silk pajamas, holding a drink in her hand.

Hanni glanced at the brandy bottle, seemingly from nowhere, that Minji had apparently poured while waiting for her. Was she drunk?

Hanni's heart began to race. Even in a sober state, Minji's emotions were very unpredictable, let alone when she was drunk.

"What are you doing here, Minji?"

Minji snorted and stared sharply at Hanni. "What do you think? I waited for you in my office and then realized that you, with that stubborn head of yours, decided to defy me."

Hanni stepped back, glancing at the white door, trying to get as close to it as possible, so that if Minji acted out of bounds, she could escape immediately.

Minji smiled at Hanni's antics. "You're like a scared rabbit again, Hanni Pham. Are you afraid I'll do something cruel? Like mixing a drug in your drink, or throwing you off the balcony again?"

Minji smirked, placing her glass down and standing, approaching Hanni more and more.

"Are you drunk, Minji?" Hanni glanced at the door, it only took a few seconds if she wanted to escape from Minji. She could do it.

"Kim Minji never gets drunk," Minji approached calmly, like a stalking lion closing in on its prey, "And you... You should have listened to what I commanded, Hanni Pham."

Hanni knew that was the point. That was where Minji lost her patience, that's why Hanni immediately jumped and tried to escape to the door. She managed to open it slightly before, with a quicker and soundless movement, Minji was already behind her, pushing the door closed before it could fully open.

Minji pushed her tightly against the door, and to her surprise, Hanni could feel Minji's hardness pressing firmly against her back.

She wanted to move and evade, but it turned out Minji already had her on all sides.

Hanni was frightened. Was she going to be forced again? The air started to feel suffocating, and Hanni began to pant.

"I've never had sex standing up," Minji whispered in her ear with a heated whisper that made Hanni's entire body tremble.

"And you make me want to do it."

Hanni gasped, trying to struggle as hard as she could. But it was useless because Minji was so strong.

"Are you going to force me again, Kim Minji?" Hanni yelled in the midst of her struggle to break free, "If so, then you've proven to me that you are indeed a despicable woman who can only get a woman through rape."

Hanni's words apparently managed to bring Minji back to her senses. She froze for a moment. And then, what was relieving.

Minji released Hanni, "Damn you, woman!" Minji whispered angrily in Hanni's ear and left her.

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