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Short chapter ahead!


"It was the same day when you got in an accident..."

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"Did Mun say his parents died in a car accident?" Motak asked, staring at the ceiling, blankly.

"That's what he said. And that's when he hurt his leg." Ms Chu answered, she was reading a news paper.

Hana was sat infront of her across the table and Luna was beside her, busy typing on her phone.

"And that was seven years ago, right?" Motak asked for clarification.

"Why?" Ms Chu questioned and looking at Motak.

"It might not have been an accident." Hana spoke up and Ms Chu gaze at her as Motak got up.

Hana nudged Luna as the girl raised her brows, bewildered, but she still got what Hana mean, and turning her phone off.


"I read into his memory." Luna sighed as she put her phone down on the table. The elders glancing confusedly at the duo.

"If it wasn't..."

"A fabricated accident."


Ms Chu shockingly gasped as Motak marches to go closer them and sits beside Ms Chu. "Elaborate."

Hana gave half smile at Luna and she nodded. "He was barely conscious, so it's not for sure."

"‘They're dead. All taken care of’. That's what he said." Luna explained.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I heard it clearly. That man who hit them did it to take Mun's parents' lives." Luna reassured and exchanging her gaze on Motak and Ms Chu.

"It wasn't just ‘that man’, it's ‘those men’." Motak commented as he look at Ms Chu. "There's the guy who said, ‘All taken care of’. And the other one who heard that."

They stared at Luna while the girl furrowed her brows and blankly blinks. "You're right. There were two men."

"Did you see their faces?" Motak questioned the girl.

"No, Mun lost his consciousness so nothing after that." Luna shook her head and frowned.

"Man, what's happening here?" Ms Chu commented.

"Do you know the date? Was there a clock or something?" Motak questioned.

"So, what if she does?" Ms Chu glared at him.

"I wanted to look into it." Motak answered.

"It was election day. It's the same day when you got into an accident." Luna conceded and they whirled as their eyes were wide.

"Ms Chu, that kid and I both feel into a coma on the same day." Motak muttered as his eyes met Ms Chu's eyes.

"What?" Ms Chu and Hana asked, confusedly.

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