11 | vi ćete zažaliti

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the game started and i couldn't be happier right now . pablos family was just as nice as i had expected and karina was making things a lot easier , coming up with topics to talk about .

during halftime , it was still 0-0 , we were playing against some ass team from the 16th place .

i don't know their name and i don't really care either .

in addition , i told pablos family all about how i was able to forget everything that includes barcelona and how i survived in the first place .

they were impressed , sad and shocked at the same time , all of them wishing me that i will remember sometime soon .


the game ended 3-1 , we were down 0-1 at first , but lewandowski , ferran and lewandowski again made it possible for us to win .

i was very happy , driving back to my home with pedri and gavi .

first we are heading home to change and then we're invited to a party at ansus house , where we'll be picking martín up aswell .

pedri and gavi were in a good mood because of the win , chatting about the match the whole time while i just listened to them .

the love they have in their eye when they talk about football and barcelona makes my heart melt . these boys play for this club with so much passion , it's so cute .

sooo how did your meeting with gavis family go?"

pedri asked me after a while and i was silently thanking him for including me in the conversation .

very good , they are all very nice , especially mrs gavira"

i said , looking back to gavi who didn't sit in the front like me today .

it was my turn .

„i'm really happy that it went good , but i knew it would go well because you all got along a few years ago too"

i smiled at him and he returned it . when i looked back at pedri he wiggled his eyebrows .

it looked so hilarious that i had to contain my laughter , but if i laughed gavi would ask why and the reason would be awkward to talk about .

me and gavi still haven't talked a single word about our one late night swim and neither of us asked the other one if we want to go late night swimming anytime soon .

but , he's the man . he should be the one asking me out . i don't care if it is cliché , but the man needs to ask out the woman .

where i come from , it's an unspoken rule .

we arrived at ansus house and i went in first , immediately running to martín .

ansu waved at me before walking over to the two boys , probably to congratulate them for their win .

meanwhile i placed martín in my lap as he rambled about how ansu is his favorite uncle .

„don't tell uncle pepi that he isn't my favorite uncle . ansu is!"

i giggled „locking" my mouth with my finger and throwing the non existent key behind my back .

„should i tell uncle judey that ansu is better?"

noo!! he will be sad and martín don't want sad tío"

he pouted and it was the cutest thing i've ever witnessed in my 20 years of living .

„okay okay i won't"

martín happily clapped his hands .

„gde je tata?"
-> where is tata?

„ja sam ovde"
-> i am here

i turned around , smiling suprised at gavi as he smiled , proud of himself .

„moj omiljeni srbin"
-> my favorite serbian

gavi didn't seem to understand what i said which is very good . his ego is big enough .

„tata je srbin?"
-> tata is serbian?

martín asked me , confused now .

„volela bih da je srbin"
-> i wish he would be serbian

i sighed .

„okay guys , no serbian anymore , i am not that good"

pablo said , now switching to spanish and sitting down next to the both of us .


„hola mi corazón"

i am melting because of this nickname .

„martín needs to change clothes , ansu got tomato sauce over his barca shirt"

i said while shaking my head at ansus clumsiness , pointing to the red stain on his shirt .

„i'll drive you"

that was the 3 words i was wishing for him to say and he said them yayyyy!

we were in the car , listening to martín talking about how tío ansu is the best dancer .

and i thought this boy was injured .

„here we are"

gavi said when my living area came in our sight .

i opened the door with my keys , but gasped when i saw how it looked inside .

all of my clothes were gathered on one place , forming words .

v i ć e t e z a ž a l i t i !
-> you will regret this

this was 100% from my dad . i knew no one i was fighting with who was capable of speaking my native language , so it could only be him .

„what does it say?"

pablo said in complete shock .

„that i will regret this"

„what will you regret?"

„i guess it's my dad telling me that i will regret telling the police about what he has done to me and martín"

„but how is this possible?"

„if i only knew . i would also like to know how he knows where i live and how he came into my house at all"

pablo had no answer to that and a shiver ran down my spine . suddenly it was hard to stop my tears from falling down .

but i won't cry infront of my son or gavi .

no .

i need to stay strong , i can cry later when i am alone .

end of chapter 11 🫶🏼

hopefully back to daily updates 🤩🤩

i love you all


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