Chapter 26: On Second Thought...

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Thankfully, Ochako's brains wasn't splattered across the wall. Apparently she had enchanted her clothing with something a shield spell, but it did make her nose bleed and knock her out for a good five minutes, the entirety of which was spent with Katsuki being yelled at from all sides.

"What the hell--"

"Did you just try to kill her?"

" Holy shit, bro!"

"You seriously tried to kill her?"

"What did she do to you?"


Katsuki just took it all. Yeah, not much he could say, other than a weak, "I wasn't trying to kill her. I knew she had those protections."

Izuku and Eijiro knew very damn well that he did not know that. Izuku was wise enough to not holler so where Iida and the whole courtyard could hear, but Eijiro had no qualms, not being able to be heard by normal humans.


"So you really did try to kill her?" asked Mina, sounding more intrigued than appalled for a moment. "No, wait, after she fed you? And clothed you--damn, she was so nice, what is your deal?"


"She's not dead, right? RIGHT?!" asked Iida, even though he was the one to assess the damage and tell them about the enchanted clothing.

Izuku grabbed Katsuki by the latch of his hobbit cloak and decked him---

Or he would have, if that had actually happened outside of Katsuki's head.

No, Katsuki hadn't so much as budged after saying "Screw it," and dropping his bag, leaving everyone waiting for him to drop the other shoe.

"Screw what?" asked Izuku.

"Did you want me to lighten your bags anyway?" said Ochako, all damn sparkle eyed and bouncing.

He rubbed his face very, very hard.

"Let's just go," he said.

They released Eijiro, who hadn't even really noticed the chains, the bugger. Izuku and he got their bags tied back onto the saddle. Mina gave all the poor midget humans a heart attack by popping out her own wings. There was a brief fight where Ochako tried to manipulate Katsuki into letting her ride Eijiro with him and Izuku, in which said Izuku was NO help whatsoever. But since she was a damn witch of course she had a broom to fly, complete with a padded cushion she'd tied onto it for a seat, so like hell were any of her or the nerd's guilt trips going to work on heim. Eijrio and Mina very wisely kept out of it.

"You are welcome any time," said the Toaster for the uptenth time. "And please be sure to return our court magician punctually."

"We ain't going to keep her," Katsuki snapped.

Ochako pouted.

Then they were off, probably blowing half the poor castle's men onto their rears with the force of Eijiro's wings.

As Eijiro and Mina mutter/yelled to each other about keeping an eye out for their breakfast, Katsuki bundled himself up tight in his fur rimmed cloak, layered underneath with the hobbit cloak in leu of a proper shirt. Ugh, his nipples were getting sensitive. It reminded him of a guy back at the tribe who had picked up a fad from another sister tribe of piercing their nipples. Freak had an entire claw in his nip by the time they left. Weirdo. Did look a little bad ass, though...except it was stupid. What if someone grabbed onto whatever you had dangling from your nipples during a fight? Ugh.

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