Chapter Fourteen: Conflicts

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Three weeks had passed since the little Princess' birth; however, the air that reigned over the White Castle wasn't one of joy and happiness. Instead, it was an air of melancholy and pessimism.

Rhircyn let out a deep sigh of despair as he made his way through the corridors of the citadel during his morning routine of inspecting the security of all the checkpoints of the castle. Although the King hadn't said it clearly, it was evident to all the guards that there was a threat to the lives of Prince Consort and the little Princess. Feeling the danger looming over their rulers, the Elite Royal Guards vowed to do anything to protect them. Rhircyn couldn't help but wonder how they could do it without knowing whom they were against. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, the Captain sighed in relief as he finally finished inspecting the last checkpoint. After giving the guards his instructions, he returned to the royal wing, eager to be present when the King and the Prince would leave their chambers to attend to their royal duties. He had to be there when the two royals left the royal wing, ensuring the guards assigned were there to escort them.

As soon as he reached the wing's entrance, he asked one of the guards, "Have their Majesties left the wing?"

"No, sir," the guard replied. "The servant just left with their breakfast trays. I think they are getting ready to leave the quarters now."

Rhircyn nodded, relieved that he had reached them before their departure. Entering, he made his way with utmost haste to the King's chambers. There, he saw two guards, in addition to those who guarded the chambers' doors, standing in attention, waiting for the King and his spouse.

The Captain nodded in self-satisfaction upon seeing the waiting escort. The two guards were among the best among the Elite Group of royal guards.

"Are their Majesties inside?" he asked no one in particular, certain that he would be answered.

"Yes," one of the guards standing at the doors replied. "They've just returned from the dining room."

"Were there guards standing while they had their breakfast?"

"Yes, sir," the second of the waiting guards replied. "Two stood at the entrance, and we stood inside the room."

Rhircyn nodded in approval.

Suddenly, the large door opened, and Aragorn appeared in full attire.

"Good morning, Rhircyn," the King greeted.

"Good morning, Sire," the Captain replied with a bow before looking up, awaiting his orders.

"Legolas will attend the Council in three hours," Aragorn informed him. "I expect he'll be well-guarded while out of the royal wing."

"Of course, my Liege."

"I don't know if Lady Gwîneth will take the Princess out for a stroll today, but I want you to ensure that an escort will be provided if she decides to do so."


Nodding his appreciation, Aragorn strode away without another word. He knew the Captain would do everything possible to ensure his orders were carried out perfectly.


Legolas gently stroked Míreth's cheek as the little Elfling slept peacefully in her cradle. Her flesh still felt hot under his touch, but he could do nothing to reduce it. His little daughter was suffering from a fever wave for two days without apparent cause. Lord Elrond had assured him that all babies, Humans and Elves, endured such fevers, but Legolas still couldn't shake the fear that filled his heart for his daughter.

The Prince sighed, looking down at his napping infant. Míreth had been sick for quite some time now. Merely two days after her birth, she developed a fever but recovered shortly due to Lord Elrond's potions. However, after that, her health swung between healthy and sickness, almost sending him mad with fear. Aragorn also seemed to share his terror. The man went nearly hysterical every time Míreth's health failed. He had insisted that she slept in their bedchamber when she became ill for the first time. Another issue that worried him was that his daughter wasn't gaining weight. Legolas had been feeding her per Elrond and Dior's instructions. Also, the Lord of Imladris had been giving her special nourishment, but she remained small and tiny, like the day she was born. Legolas bit his lower lip as anxiety rose in his heart. Since Míreth got ill for the first time, the Prince feared that Míreth's premature birth would affect her health and growth. He was snapped from his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up, his eyes met with Gwîneth's reassuring smiling face.

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