Inside Deku Woods

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Kirby and Link entered Deku Woods to investigate what was going on. They could see many expansive corridors and hallways going through Deku Woods as they entered the dark oak insides. Kirby was curious about what was going on as he followed Link.

There were a large number of Deku Babas blocking the way to somewhere else. Kirby threw a bomb at the Deku Babas only for them to retreat inside of their stalks causing no effect on them. Kirby looked with a puzzled expression.

Link looked around and decided to enter the hallway opposite the Deku Babas, Kirby followed him through the wooden maze of Deku Woods as they found a branching path with spaced wooden stumps that dotted the dark void below.

Link turned to the wooden stumps and leapt across every single stump with Kirby following close behind. Kirby grabbed another bomb and threw it at the boulder at the end of the path just as he and Link jumped to the next stumps.

Link was slightly taken aback and moved almost as if he was about to fall, Kirby ran and leapt towards Link to balance him. Link looked behind to see Kirby staring at him patting his shoes. Link nodded in response as he continued leaping forward towards the chest which was now revealed by Kirby's bomb.

Link opened the chest just as Kirby came to his side and found a Heart Container in the chest. Kirby looked curiously as it disappeared and seemed to enter inside of him. Kirby looked with a confused yet concerned expression on his. Link turned and nodded at him before returning back to the other side.

Kirby followed Link just as he turned to his left and continued the journey. The two turned another corner to be met with a line of enemies and Deku Babas sprinkling the arena. Link stood vigilantly.

As the two walked forward a Skulltula fell from the sky in front of Link's face. Link was taken aback but could not react quickly enough before it spun sending him flying backwards towards Kirby's position.

Kirby was shocked by what happened and prepared a bomb to throw at the Skulltula. He saw it turn its back and decided to throw it at the moment. The Skulltula flew detached from its position defeated just as Link managed to pull himself up.

Link stood ever more vigilant searching for a sound cue. Link heard a sound that he thought was another Skulltula falling down. Link backed away just as it came down and could spin to attack him. The Skulltula exposed itself once more as Link swung his sword at it.

After moving slowly through the Deku Baba maze, the two found themselves on a ladder. Kirby jumped up but could not seem to be able to grab it. Link grabbed onto the leader unsure what to do until Kirby jumped into the air and inhaled.

Link looked amazed yet perplexed at his friend as he climbed up alongside him. Kirby looked at Link as he waved his stubby hands. The two raced each other to the top as Link continued climbing higher and Kirby floated up towards the sky.

As soon as the two climbed up the ladder to a circular room that contained nothing. Just as Link walked further into the room a cage of iron descended quickly locking both Kirby and Link inside.

A couple of Stalfos appeared raising their swords at the two. Kirby summoned another bob and threw it at one of the Stalfos, the Stalfos raised its shield to block the bomb as it exploded on contact. Link dashed at the Stalfos that Kirby threw the bomb at and swung his sword hitting it in the head.

As Link continued clashing against the Stalfos, Kirby ran behind the Stalfos and placed several bombs that came together and defeated it. Link saw what was going on and repeated what he did with the second Stalfos with Kirby repeating his tactic.

After the two Stalfos were defeated, a chest appeared that looked similar to the chest when the two found the bombs. Link opened the chest and he dug through the same shining light coming through as Kirby watched in anticipation as to what his friend was about to find.

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