Chapter 12

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Since they had agreed to take Ruan Yimian to see a doctor, they didn't delay any more and set out early the next morning.

Ruan Dexian was busy with spring plowing, and Lu Caimei wanted to help with cooking and packing the bamboo shoots and wild vegetables dug two days ago. She couldn't spare time, so Ruan Yimian didn't let him accompany her.

Fortunately, the cotton rouge was prepared the day before yesterday, otherwise it would be too busy.

Taking an ox cart from Shanliu Village to the town takes about an hour and a half. Wuyang County is only five kilometers away from the town. Once in the town, it only takes half an hour to walk to Wuyang County.

The oxcart ride in the village costs two cents to go to Liufang Town and Wuyang County, but you have to pay an additional two cents to enter the county, so most of the people in the village got off the car in the town. Only Ruan Yimian and the others took the bus to Wuyang County. city gate.

The bullock carts don't go into the city, so they have to get off when they get here.

Although Wuyang County is only a small county, it is much more lively than Liufang Town. There are many small vendors pushing carts on the streets selling everything, including food and drink. They shout at the top of their lungs and enthusiastically invite passers-by to come and choose.

After entering the city, Ruan Yiwen and Huo Aowu walked aside in tacit agreement, sandwiching Ruan Yimian in the middle to protect them. Although it was his first time to enter the city, Ruan Yimian didn't show much surprise. He was thinking about his illness and had no intention of looking around at the moment.

After entering the city, the three of them went straight to the medical clinic where Doctor Xu was. When they arrived at the medical clinic, they found that it was already full of people.

Because of the memory in the dream, Ruan Yimian knew that this was because Dr. Xu had superb medical skills and was well-known, but he only came to Wuyang County once or twice a year. Therefore, every time he came, there were many patients who were well-informed and had chronic diseases. Sick people come to seek medical treatment.

In the previous life, Jiang Qingyao also found out about this and came to take him for medical treatment.

Although there are many people queuing up, Dr. Xu does not see everyone. He does not treat those with ordinary symptoms who cannot afford the high fees and refers them to other doctors in the medical clinic.

Many patients come here because of him. Most of them will feel disappointed after being refused treatment. Some of them will be unhappy and complain loudly. When the people behind him saw this situation, they couldn't help but feel uneasy, fearing that they would also be refused treatment.

Ruan Yiwen was brought to visit in advance by Huo Aowu and knew that Dr. Xu was willing to treat his brother, so he could stay calm. But seeing that his brother's face was calm, he didn't seem too worried, which was a little strange, but before he could ask, Ruan Yimian arrived.

He was led into Dr. Xu's consulting room by a little medicine boy. Huo Aowu followed him closely. Ruan Yiwen accidentally fell a few steps behind and was shut out the door.


This Doctor Xu looked exactly like in his dream. He was a thin old man in his sixties. Ruan Yimian was completely relieved.

He was invited to sit down on the chair in front of Dr. Xu's desk. Huo Aowu stood beside him with his arms folded.

Doctor Xu checked Ruan Yimian's pulse, asked a few simple questions, and then started writing the prescription with a calm look.

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