Chapter 92

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Cao Chunfeng still had a trace of reason. Seeing Lu Caimei's unhappy expression, she hurriedly followed her strength and stood up.

"Brother Mian, can you please save your sister Qingqing?" Cao Chunfeng begged, looking at Ruan Yimian anxiously, "Your uncle Huo Xiong and I have fallen into the trap of evil people, and let your sister Qingqing be with the county. An old man got engaged! She was so frightened that she fainted!"

When Cao Chunfeng said this, her face was full of regret: "My daughter is only eighteen years old. How could she marry a rotten old man in his sixties as a concubine! That bitch and son of a bitch planned to harm my daughter. They will definitely do it." Damned by God!"

Cao Chunfeng beat her chest and slapped herself twice: "It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It was my greed for wealth that harmed Qingqing!"

There were many villagers at the banquet. They didn't care about eating at the moment and looked over here. Several women showed unbearable expressions and grabbed Cao Chunfeng who slapped themselves.

"Is Qingqing okay now?"

"Didn't you say that Qingqing is marrying a landlord? Is this landlord an old man?"

"Oh, you and Huo Xiong proposed to marry your child, and you decided to get married without even seeing anyone?!"

"I didn't see the real owner a few days ago when I proposed marriage. At that time, I said that the landlord was not available. Now it seems that being unavailable is a lie, and it is true that he is not available to the public!"

"Ms. Cao, you have to explain things clearly, otherwise how can Brother Mian help you?"

Everyone was chattering and asking questions.

Ruan Yimian was startled by Cao Chunfeng at first. He felt nervous when he heard that Huo Qingqing "died out". He was relieved when Cao Chunfeng said that it was no longer serious.

I don't know who this landlord is, so why did he choose Huo Qingqing? Ruan Yimian was about to speak, but was pulled back by his mother.

Lu Caimei winked at her son, then turned to look at Cao Chunfeng: "My brother Mian is just an ordinary boy. Just tell the matter and let us all think of something together. You can't count on anything else. How can a young farm boy like him steal people from a landlord?"

Just now I persuaded Cao Chunfeng to speak clearly, so that the uncle Ruan Yimian was helping would realize that he had said something wrong when he heard Lu Caimei's words.

Wouldn't saying this put the matter of rescuing Huo Qingqing on Brother Mian's head? He was shocked and quickly added: "Ah, I made a mistake! Brother Mian has no obligation to do this, and he It's really difficult for a teenage boy to rob someone with a landlord."

When Cao Chunfeng heard this, she became anxious: "Brother Mian, your cousin has been married to Lantian Town for several years, and you have been able to rescue people. My family only exchanged their horoscopes after Qingqing. You must have something to do, right?"

"Even if you fail, there is Aowu. Can you please help me beg Aowu? He is the head of the Zhenwu Escort Bureau. No one else dares to mess with him. As long as he is willing to come forward, the landlord will definitely relent! "

Ruan Yimian was stunned for a moment: "Brother Huo went out as a escort and is not in Wuyang County now."

The hope in Cao Chunfeng's eyes dimmed a bit. She paused and leaned forward to take Ruan Yimian's hand, but was stopped by Lu Caimei.

At this moment, Rao Qiaoyun, Tao Da and Tao Er were all guarding Ruan Yimian. She couldn't get close to Ruan Yimian anyway, so she had to shout from a distance.

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