Chapter 67

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When Xuchang left his hometown and followed Wu Junhao to Wuyang City, he had great expectations for his life after coming here.

I thought Wu Junhao would treat him differently. After all, he was personally selected by Wu Junhao. He was considered his confidant, and he was closer than the people here in Wuyang County.

And based on his qualifications, if he comes to Wu Junhao, he must be at least the second-in-command, right?

Unexpectedly, when he arrived here, there was Huo Aowu who was on an equal footing with Wu Junhao, weighing on him.

After all, Huo Aowu was Wu Junhao's comrade-in-arms, a capable man, and his hands were stained with the blood of General Nanhe. With this leader, even if he did not open an escort agency with Wu Junhao and went to Fucheng, the major escort agencies would still be scrambling for him. characters.

Being pushed down by Huo Aowu, he also admitted it.

But Huo Aowu recruited Hao Qiang again.

Hao Qiang was originally an escort in a small escort agency. When he first came to Zhenwu Escort Agency, his prestige was far inferior to that of Xuchang. But within a few months, his momentum had vaguely surpassed that of Xuchang, and Xuchang was really unwilling to accept it.

When the escort agency divided the rooms, Hao Qiang, as the escort master, took the initiative to say that he and his brother Hao Yun could live in the same room.

Because of his words, Huo Aowu gave the east wing that was originally allocated to Xuchang to Hao Qiang.

The rooms in the courtyard are all oriented towards the east, and the first wing on the east side is much brighter than the first room on the west side.

After Xu Chang moved into the east wing, he even thought about how to store his things. Unexpectedly, this room became Hao Qiang's.

Hao Qiang gave up his privileges as a bodyguard and chose to live in the same room with his younger brother. If he still competed with Hao Qiang for the room, he would be too petty.

Not wanting others to think he was petty, Xuchang swallowed his breath.

Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning.

The escort agency had just opened and already received a tricky order to go to Tai'an Mansion. Xu Changyuan was a little worried that Huo Aowu would pick him, but he didn't expect that he would choose Hao Qiang without hesitation.

But just when Xuchang secretly rejoiced that he had escaped a disaster, Huo Aowu came back unscathed with Hao Qiang and the others.

This escort trip allowed Zhenwu Escort Bureau to gain a firm foothold in Wuyang City, and also made deputy escort chief Hao Qiang's prestige in the escort agency rise.

People who went to Tai'an Mansion together said that the deputy escort chief was kind-hearted and never hid his clumsiness. He carefully taught them the rules of the world and the precautions for escorts.

Along the way, he took great care of the young escorts and servants below, without any airs of being a deputy escort chief.

Everyone said that you can learn something by following this deputy escort leader.

Because of this incident, Hao Qiang's popularity in the escort agency soared. Along with Xuchang, the young escort masters from Fucheng were more willing to work with Hao Qiang.

Xuchang felt dissatisfied, so he followed Hao Qiang's lead and taught some things to the bodyguards below him from time to time.

But many of the things he taught had been taught by Hao Qiang, and there were some more important ones that he was reluctant to take out. Hao Qiang actually told the other escorts without reservation.

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