Chapter 99

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The house Huo Aowu and Ruan Yimian built was a two-story house with more than twenty rooms and three courtyards. It was not big compared to the house of Zhenwu Escort Bureau, but it was considered very wealthy in the village.

If Huo Aowu and his parents hadn't chosen the land that was spacious, they wouldn't have been able to build such a big house.

This house is made of blue bricks and black tiles, and the wood and stone are also well-chosen. The outside of the house looks calm and elegant, but not overly luxurious. The rooms and courtyards inside also pay more attention to the comfort of living, without too many decorations.

Most of Shanliu Village has yellow mud thatched houses. A few families have built brick houses, and the style is not so regular.

In the days after the house was built, people in the village couldn't help but take a second look when they passed by. Everyone said that the Huo family's house was built in a magnificent way, and it was not inferior to the houses of wealthy families in the county.

Of course, its cost also stunned the villagers.

However, Huo Aowu and Ruan Yimian not only made money themselves, but also helped many people in the village make money, so although everyone was envious, they were not jealous, and they all said that they both deserved it.

After the house was built, it was almost the Mid-Autumn Festival. Ruan Yimian wanted to spend the holidays with his parents in the new house, so he was in no hurry to move back to the county.

He and Huo Aowu went to Qiuyi Pavilion and Zhenwu Escort Bureau every few days, but they didn't waste anything.

The day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Yuan Chun came back with his merchants.

This was the second time they went out for business, and the result was still not satisfactory.

The first time they set out confidently with everyone's expectations on their backs, only to come back with a setback; this time they were still thinking about earning back the money they lost last time, but they didn't expect to lose money again.

When Yuan Chun gave up his position as the shopkeeper of Qiuyi Pavilion and took a few men from the village to do business, the people in the village had mixed reactions.

Some people say that he is courageous and determined, and that he is a person who does big things; others say that he is confused and gives up a good job that earns him a few taels of silver a month to do an uncertain business outside.

Although they didn't understand his choice, everyone still recognized Yuan Chun's ability. Moreover, by selling the melons in the village, Yuan Chun and the others can make money, and the villagers can also make an income, which is the best of both worlds.

So at that time, he invited people in the village to do business with him, and some people actually responded.

No one expected that he would go out twice in a row and come back with a loss.

It seems that Yuan Chun is also a bit unlucky.

The first time he went back to do business, the goods he chose were melons from the village and cotton from Qinghe Village next door. He went to Haining City, where the Zhenwu Escort Bureau had passed last year.

Yuan Chun also inquired carefully. Haining City is surrounded by the sea on three sides and is rich in all kinds of seafood. However, no one grows fruits or cotton. He doesn't know if the land conditions are not suitable.

Melon couldn't stand the bumps, so we happened to take the waterway to Haining City, so we didn't have to worry about it getting damaged on the road.

When I come back, I will buy some seafood to sell. Those fish and shrimps are rare in Wuyang County and several nearby counties and can be sold at high prices.

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