Chapter 4

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Today's quote is:

"Love is a word. It has a meaning."


True dat gurl! I couldn't agree more! Now hopefully you find this lovely. Here it is:

CHAPTER FOUR- Regret Is A Terrible Feeling

Alec's alarm went off at 5:20a.m. He groaned as he reached his hand out to shut it off. He tried leaving Magnus' grip so he could get dressed, but the warlock was strong. "Oh, no. You're not going anywhere," he said, though he hadn't moved and his eyes were closed.

"Magnus, I have to go," Alec said. "As much as I'd love to stay, I can't. And you know that. So will you please let me go?"

Magnus sighed as he drew his arms back. Alec got up, but not before giving Magnus a kiss on the cheek. "Love you," he said, before going to the bathroom to get ready.

He took a warm shower first. If he smells like glitter and hair gel when he goes to the Institute, people will be suspicious.

When he got out, when dried off quickly and got dresses. He put on his normal clothes: jeans and a black sweater. He didn't bother brushing his teeth though. He didn't want the taste of Magnus to be washed from his mouth.

He left the bathroom and ran back to the bedroom which he had just come from. He was relieved to see Magnus still there, lying tiredly in the bed. The young Shadowhunter surprised him with a very unexpected, but very wonderful, kiss.

"Must you leave?" Magnus asked. "Sadly, yes," Alec answered. "If I don't my parents will worry, Isabelle will be all too excited, and Jace will question me thoroughly. Not to mention I'm expected to kill demons and all."

"I remember once promising myself I'd never get myself involved in Shadowhunter business," Magnus began. "Then I met you, and thought maybe it'd wouldn't be so bad. And it wasn't bad at all. I love my time with you more than anything else in the world. But every time you leave I am just reminded of why I never wanted to get involved with Shadowhunters in the first place. Because when you got to know them, you got to care about them. And when you got to care about mortals, they broke your heart."

(Note: the last two sentences are from the short story "Magnus's Vow" by Cassandra Clare. If you have not read it, you so should.)

"My own heart would break if I ever broke yours," said Alec. "I promise you won't regret me, and I'll never regret you."

Magnus looked into Alec's eyes and smiled. "Thank you," he said. And as he stared into those bright blue eyes, he only became happier.

Alec looked down at his watch. "I really have to go now," he pointed out. "Text me?" Magnus pleaded. "I will whenever I can!" Alec promised. He kissed Magnus once more before leaving.

Magnus hated the sound of the door closing. Not because the door squeaked, or perhaps because of how loud it was. No. It was because it was the sound of Alec leaving him.

"He said he'd never break my heart," Magnus told himself. "So I just have to trust him."

Only moments later, Magnus received the text. He saw the name on the phone screen, and smiled. The message read:

"Miss u already. Wish I could stay longer.


Magnus quickly typed back:

"Me 2. Pleaz come back soon.



It was almost completely dark when Alec entered the Institute. A few of the candelabras had already been lit. He quickly put his mind past it as quietly made his way to the elevator.

It brought him up to the level where his bedroom was. The corridor leading to it was dark. Alec had to use his witchlight to navigate back to the room.

When he reached his room, he twisted the doorknob as quietly as he could. He put his witchlight away and instead turned on the lights in the room. He was shocked to see someone was already there.

"Hello, Alec," came the voice of Isabelle Lightwood.

Alec frowned. "What are you doing now?"

"Just wondering where you've been," his sister said, stalking closer to him. She stopped once they were only about a foot apart.

"Does anyone else know I've been out?" Alec asked, trying to hide to uneasiness in his voice. "No," Isabelle replied. "I told them you didn't feel well so you had just been resting up here."

"Izzy," Alec said once more. "What?" she asked. Her brother sounded shaky. "That still doesn't tell me why you're here," he said. "In my room. MY room."

"I wanted to talk to talk to you before everyone else woke up," she explained. "I have to ask you a question."

"And that is--?"

"Why are you keeping your relationship with Magnus a secret? And don't try to tell me you weren't with him last night, because I know you were!" She sounded very demanding, and Alec couldn't help but wonder why she was so concerned about his relationships.

"Do you even have to ask?" Alec questioned. He buried his face in his hands and rubbed his eyelids. Isabelle pulled his hands away from his face.

"Look at me and tell me," she said, very directly.

"I'm afraid of what I'll parents will say to it, and Jace, and--"

"Who cares what they think?!" Isabelle yelled. "If you love someone, it shouldn't matter what others think of you. Only what you think of each other. And honestly, I'm scared of what our parents will do, too. But you can't hide this from them forever. It's better to come now then never."

Alec sighed, but managed a small smile. "I'll try."

CRONA: if you haven't read Magnus's Vow, DO IT!!!! It is amazing! And also, don't forget to vote and comment! I love all my readers (considering I haven't met any haters yet). Please keep reading!

Love ya,


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