Chapter 7

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"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment."

― Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever

I'd just like to make a note to say that the plot of this story won't follow the actual plot in The Mortal Instruments. I'm changing it up! Also, this chapter's got Jace! Yay!


Alec woke up, surprised to notice Magnus was not curled up beside him. He shot up in panic. "Magnus!" he called.

"I'm right here!" came the warlocks voice. Alec turned his head toward the source of the voice, seeing that Magnus was actually on the floor.

"What are you down there for?" Alec asked, chuckling slightly. "Chairman Meow woke me up during the night," Magnus explained. "When I came back you just looked so peaceful, and I didn't want to accidentally wake you up. So I just spent the rest of the night on the floor."

"You didn't have to do that," Alec said, feeling himself blush. "I would've rather you woken me up than not have slept with me."

Magnus smiled. "I'll remember that for next time. Our relationship is still developing."

His boyfriend sighed. "I need to put some clothes on," he said, before getting out of bed and walking sleepily to the bathroom.


Alec returned wearing his usual jeans and black sweater. He wasn't surprised to see Magnus dressed up in a mesh vest and red skinny jeans covered in glitter.

"Going somewhere today?" the Shadowhunter wondered. "Actually, yes," Magnus said, while applying eyeliner. He was very skilled to be able to do it without a mirror, Alec thought. "I'm going to meet with my newest client," the warlock continued. "She's becoming very particular about everything and insists that I come over. I swear, if she tries anything, I will gladly kill her. Again."

"Not before I do," Alec said with a smirk. Magnus laughed. "You're so sweet, even when you're threatening to kill someone."

Alec sat down beside Magnus, who was on a sofa with his makeup case. The Shadowhunter leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder as Magnus applied his mascara.

"Well, I should probably go now. If I waited until you were completely finished with that, I'd be over an hour late," Alec joked. "You sure would," Magnus agreed.

Alec stole the mascara from Magnus' grasp and set it aside. He kept the warlock's hand from grabbing the makeup by holding it with a firm grip. Then, Alec leaned forward and gave his warlock a kiss.

"I'll miss you when I'm gone," the blue-eyed Nephilim said. "I'll miss you more," Magnus replied. "But I'll miss you most!" Alec exclaimed. He gave his boyfriend a small peck on the nose before leaving.

Magnus let out a deep breath, then shaping his mouth into a relieved smile. He was happy to say that when Alec left that day, he wasn't worried about what might come of it. He knew Alec loved him and that was all that mattered.


Alec was surprised to see Jace waiting for him in the Institute. "Why are you up so early?" Alec demanded, naturally concerned for his parabatai.

"I might answer that after you tell me where you've been," Jace told him. "I was-- I was out. Walking. I couldn't go to sleep," Alec sputtered out. "I woke up in the night, and couldn't get back to sleep, so I walked."

"Really? Because I could've sworn I saw you leave to go somewhere last night and never coming back. How could you have possibly slept here?" Jace remarked, using his usual sarcastic tone.

"Well, it's not any of your business where I go to anyway!" Alec snapped. Jace just raised his eyebrow. "You're my brother, best friend, and parabatai. Whatever you do is certainly my business, thank you very much."

Alec rolled his eyes. "Would you believe that I was getting help for my terrible nightmares?" he suggested, which was actually somewhat true.

Jace stared at him with a straight face. "I'll believe it for now. But just for now..."

"You're really creepy sometimes," Alec told him. "It's a special talent of mine," Jace responded.


Alec and Jace were sent to Flushing to hunt a Raum demon while Isabelle stayed home to assist Maryse with Conclave business.

"Why would a demon be terrorizing the storage room of a public library?" Alec asked as he and Jace entered one of the Flushing Queens Public Libraries. "Maybe this demon had a certain interest in books," Jace suggested. "But I'd bet it's just because someone stupid conjured it and couldn't keep it under control."

The two boys were both covered in glamours to protect their identity. No one in the library noticed them when they entered a room with a sign stating NO PUBLIC ACCESS.

Jace drew out a seraph blade and whispered the name that he gave the sword. It instantly lit up in a shimmering blue flame. The blade was the only source of light in the dark storage room.

Alec was too busy searching for his witchlight stone to notice the demon approaching them.

Alec heard a familiar scream and shot his gaze toward his parabatai. "Jace!" he yelled at the sight of seeing a demon attacking his friend.

He drew out his own blade and gave it a name. He immediately ran through the demon and sliced through its back. The whitish creature let out a truly demented sound as it fell off of Jace.

Alec wasn't sure what the demon had done to Jace, but it surely hadn't been good. The golden-haired boy lie completely still on the floor. Alec could still see him breathing, which was quite a relief. Still, he knew he'd have to exterminate the Raum demon before helping his fellow Shadowhunter.

He ran at the demon and slashed it with his blade. Black blood came oozing out. Alec knew those cuts wouldn't heal. That was a perk of using a seraph blade rather than a regular sword.

With his next move, Alec stabbed the creature dead in the neck. It was a killing blow.

Alec didn't bother to stay and watch the demon evaporate away. Instead he grabbed Jace's limp body and ran out of the library as fast as he could.

CRONA: Ta-da! I'm so proud of myself right now! I actually know where this plot is going! No more writers block for me!

Anyway, thanks for reading!

--Crona <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2013 ⏰

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