Chapter 6

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I apologize so very deeply for not having updated in awhile! But don't worry, I do not plan on giving up on this story! I love Malec to much to do that.

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."

-Dr.Suess, an absolute genius!

CHAPTER SIX- Dreams And Nightmares

Usually Magnus held Alec close to himself as they slept, but Alec seemed stuck in a state of unrest. Magnus just hoped it wasn't anything he'd done that provoked this.

After their dinner together, the couple returned to the apartment to enjoy a little intimacy. It was a swarm of chaos, heat, passion, and love. Now that it was over, both boys lay in bed, faces flushed, perspiring heavily, and stripped bare of their clothes. (A/N: no way to make that sound normal.)

Magnus could tell that Alec was in need of some rest, so he wrapped his arms around the Shadowhunter's torso and tangled their legs together. "Goodnight, sweetie," said Magnus. "Sleep well," Alec said in response.

They both drifted asleep soon enough, but Magnus was soon awoke once more. When he did, Alec's body was shaking at strange intervals and perspiring heavily. Magnus knew something was wrong.

When the warlock attempted to wake him up, Alec pushed him away. He rolled over to face away from Magnus. His boyfriend sat their in both shock and terror.

Magnus saw Alec's shaking slowing down to a minimum, relieving him of much of his stress. He let out a deep breath and settled back into bed, just a little farther away from Alec this time, much to his dismay.

He thought everything was gradually improving, until Alec began kicking hard. In fact, he kicked Magnus so hard that the warlock fell out of bed.

"Alright, that is enough! I am calming you down!" Magnus yelled, which meant he was threatening to use magic. But before he did he got up and tried shaking Alec awake once more.

The outcome was very different this time. Alec shot straight up, but slapped Magnus on the way. The warlock fell back, holding a hand up to his bruising face.

"Magnus," Alec gasped, his eyes wide and his skin wet with sweat. "I'm so sorry! Did I- Did I just do that to you?"

"I think you did," Magnus said. His voice sounded off, a side-effect of his swollen cheek. "I don't think you ever meant to, though. You were sleeping very violently."

"What kind of sleep?" Alec asked. Magnus stifled a laugh. "You were legitimately sleeping. I assure you that you didn't slap me during sex."

Alec let out a deep breath. "What what was I doing?" he asked, obviously unaware of his violent unrest.

"I'm not even so sure," Magnus replied honestly. "One minute I was holding you like a teddy bear, and then you acted like you became a sleep-wrestler. Which actually sounds pretty cool, but--"

"Magnus," Alec said, barely louder than a whisper. "Come here."

He beckoned Magnus to come sit on the bed beside him. The warlock obeyed this command.

Magnus wrapped his arm around Alec. It felt hot against the Shadowhunter's bare skin. He lay his head on Magnus' shoulder and smiled slightly.

"I don't know how I could've possibly been that frightening," Alec said, "when I was dreaming of you."

"You have dreams about me?" Magnus wondered, sounding pleased. "That's so cool!" He hugged Alec tightly, beaming brightly.

Alec blushed out pleasure. "Um, thanks. I guess..."

"Would you like to go back to bed now?" Magnus asked. "I'd love to," Alec answered.

They both lay back down and drifted off to sleep, including Alec, who rested peacefully next to Magnus.


Blood. It covered Alec's hands. It was splattered to his clothes. It was pasted in his hair. It wasn't red, though. It was gold, the prettiest gold you could've ever seen. It shimmered in the night, and had some sort of mysterious natural beauty.

Alec did not recognize who or what the blood belonged to. All he saw was a limp figure with a seraph blade stuck in its side.

Alec did not even recognize himself in the dream he was having. The boy he saw looked mostly the same: same black hair, same blue eyes, same runes and scars covering all his skin. It was a perfect duplicate of the real Alec, but it wasn't Alec at all. The boy appeared insane and murderously. He was covered lay in blood that he was proud was there. And it was obvious that he had viciously killed whatever was lying on the ground beneath him.

The real Alec Lightwood killed nothing but demons, and this clearly wasn't one, though it was hard to tell what it really was.

The boy in the dream also appeared to be singing a song, but so softly it was hard to hear. The words drifted out only as quiet murmurs. It took awhile before the real Alec could decipher what the dream Alec was saying, or rather, singing:

"Sleep well tonight,

So you'll never have to wake up.

Dream good dreams tonight,

So you'll never have to wake up.

I hope you had a great life

Because you are not waking up.

The end has come.

Dream of peace, then die."

Alec found these words cruel, but appeared as of he were the ones singing it. But this was all a dream, so...

Alec's eyes shot open. He was breathing heavily, but he was okay. Magnus was still sleeping soundly beside him.

He let out a sigh of relief at the feeling of Magnus' chest slowly rising and falling against his back. Alec closed his eyes and relaxed.

"Dream good dreams tonight, because I'm making sure you wake up."

CRONA: Sorry this chapter was so short! Hopefully the next ones longer!

Until then,

Crona The Malec Luvr <3

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