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Samerah's POV

I woke up and headed to the bathroom to clean myself up

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I woke up and headed to the bathroom to clean myself up. I just wanted to be alone I felt like I was hurting everyone especially myself just trying to find love and be happy

I looked at myself in the mirror and hated it, I would've punched it but I remembered this is Fantasy's place. Nobody wants me and the people that do I push them away. I'm such a fuck up.

I looked at myself in the mirror again. Who could ever love me

"I love you" Fantasy said with tears in her eyes. She came up to me and hugged me tightly

"Bestie. I wanted you to get a hotel so you could be alone to think but now I'm regretting that decision because I'm scare you might hurt yourself if your alone for too long" She said just looking at me

She was right, if I was alone I'd hurt myself like I used to. "can we just smoke and sleep all day" I said as tears began to fall from my face

"I'm sorry but No. you can't distract yourself forever. Eventually when you wake up or sober up the feeling is gonna come right back....so no. I can't let you do that baby. You gotta handle yourself and your emotions first" She said

I groaned and began to cry. she just pulled me into a hug and let me cry for as long as I needed.

Fantasy says that crying is good, it reminds us that we're human. That we are alive. She says that crying is the first step to healing...But I hate crying. it makes me feel weak and vulnerable. I hate that crying crybaby shit.

"it's okay baby, no one is judging you for being human" Sy said grabbing my hand and sitting me on a stool in the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry" I mumbled

"I don't care you still have to eat. Let's start small okay papa" She said kissing my cheek

Just then DD walked in "Meerahhh stop stealing my girl" she whined playfully causing me to giggle

"hush nobody's stealing me....Here bae" She said handing me a small bowl of my favorite cereal. Cinnamon Toast Crunch 😩

"Wa- where mine, and I thought I was bae" Dd pouted playfully causing me to laugh again

"Hush you. Go I'm taking care of my baby right now" Fantasy said pecking DD's lips.

"Meanie" DD mumbled.

Their cute, I wish I had what they had. I helped them but can't even help myself. this that bullshit.

Fantasy spent the rest of the day spoiling me and DD kept making me laugh. I talked to Sy about everything I was feeling and I just felt a huge relief. I'm so thankful to have them in my life.

Still merah's pov

I was alone again. I don't like being alone but. It is what it is. I pulled out the sofa bed and got comfortable, before I knew it I was fast asleep

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