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————ZIY'S POV———-

Me and Lele noticed that Samerah has been off ever since we left her bestie place

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Me and Lele noticed that Samerah has been off ever since we left her bestie place. "She been real quiet" I said looking at Merah play on her phone

"Yea I wonder what's bothering her" Lele pouted

"Baby" I said calling her over

"...yes"? She mumbled

"Come see please" Lele said. Merah got up and dragged her body to us

"Hmm" she hummed with her head down

"What's wrong ma" I asked lifting her head gently with my finger

"Nun" she sighed

"Pap don't lie to us. Come on what's wrong" ? Lele asked kissing her lips

"It's just I had a talk with Fantasy. She said that I need to stop rushing into things and find happiness in myself or whatever and that maybe relationships aren't for me" Merah said putting her head back down

Me and Lele lifted her head again. "Papa...are you happy with yourself...when your alone are you ok" Lele asked

" not really" Merah sighed

"Well what can we do to help"? I asked

"I don't know that's the problem. I don't know what to do, I just know I want to love you two and I don't wanna get hurt anymore, but I wanna learn to love myself and be comfortable in my loneliness....I don't want you guys to leave" Merah said then just stared at me and Lele

"Well...were gonna try our best to show you how we see you and respect your space" Lele said kissing Merah's lips

"Yea, we gon set up days where we link and talk or do whatever and have days where you chill and learn more about yourself and get yourself together, we gon check in on you of course buhh you know" I said then kissed Merah

"And if that doesn't work then maybe we'll all just have to give each other space until your ready" Lele sighed

"....thank you" Merah said smiling softly then walked back to the couch

"Come on, let's take her out the house. Do something to cheer her up" Lele said to me

"Like what"? I asked

"Hmmm. She likes arcades, let's do that"Lele said smiling

"Okay bhett. Mera baby go get dressed we goin out. I'm gonna head home to get dressed too and when I get back both of you be ready okay?" I said heading to the door

"Okayyyy" they said in unison.

I headed to my place and got ready for the arcade. I texted them letting them know the weather was getting cold so they didn't wear shorts o nun and freeze. I hope it snows this year, last time it snowed I was like 1 year old. I dont even remember it.

———-Their fits———-

———-Their fits———-

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I arrived back at the house and went in

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I arrived back at the house and went in. They were on the sofa waiting on me.

"Come on y'all. Nd learn ta lock your doors" I said scaring them

"Stop allat playing" Lele said rolling her eyes

"Bae why you didn't put brown on like us"? Merah whined

"Did anyone tell me that's the color we're wearing? No? Okay then that's why" I said jokingly

"You think you so funny" Lele said playing

"Mane bring y'all ass" I said walking out

We headed to the car and I gave Merah the aux. They smelled good asf too, like cake idk what they had on but lawddd.

Check in👉🏾

This one kinda short cuz I'm hungry 😭😭

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