The Nightmare

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You looked around a little scared already knowing this was a dream you had a million of times when you lived in your old apartment. You pushed your body against the wall in a very dimmed lit alleyway, your eyes went wide as you could feel your body temperature drop and the hair in the back of your back stand. You already knew at any moment the creature that haunted your dreams a million times was gonna appear very soon so you embraced yourself for it. Suddenly there was a noise in the dark part of the alleyway and that's when glowing red eyes appeared in the dark, you yelped a little and covered your mouth already feeling tears forming in your eyes.

You tried to blink back the tears but the tears threaten to come out and you just stood there with your back pressed hard on the wall just staring at the red glowing eyes. The red glowing eyes then slowly started getting a little bit closer but you couldn't do anything being paralyzed to the spot you were in. The red glowing eyes then stepped into the dimmed-lit alleyway showing its true form the creature looked like one from out this world with sharp teeth that could slice anybody's neck or body into two with no hesitation. It had light brown and dark brown fur and sharp claws like paws with the same sharpness as its teeth, you prayed you could wake up any second now and hopped April would see you flinch in your sleep and figure something is wrong.

The creature walked closer to you but you were completely glued to the spot and tried to run away but your feet refused and stayed glued to the very spot. When the creature was just five feet in front of you it growled loudly at you and you just shut your eyes tightly and waited for the moment the creature would slice your neck and end your life forever. Suddenly you felt a hand grab you (S/C) and a loud growl in front of you like the creature was attacked and the person forced you to run but you didn't open your eyes and hopped whoever saved you wasn't there to kill you too. The person who grabbed your hand in theirs and actually felt warm to the touch and you could feel like you could truest them even though you still had your  eyes shut tightly so you couldn't see your hero who saved you.

''Hey, you ok?'' The person asked you panting on how much they actually ran. You still didn't open your eyes on how much you wished you could wake up and leave this dream behind ''You know, can open your eyes now.'' The person said again with a sarcastic tone almost with a chuckle but this wasn't no laughing matter. You slowly opened you eyes and you looked up at the person who saved you screamed but the person covered your mouth with his three fingers and put his other hand against his lips trying to shush you. ''Shhh, its gonna find us.'' He said but you bite his hand and grabbed your pan which you kept on your side of the bed under the pillow (Don't ask where the pan came from XDD) and he yelped in pain and covered his mouth with his other hand when he suddenly felt something hard hit the back of his head and making his eyes cross right after falling to the ground unconscious and dropping his bō staff to the ground beside him.

You pointed the pan at him just incase he woke up and you had to hit him again with the pan. You looked at the person and realized it was a mutated turtle that talked and he had a purple mask and and like purple knee caps on both his knees that matched the mask he was wearing and fingerless gloves and socks you also noticed that he was wearing a silver-tech gauntlet on his left wrist with a blue screen and it was still glowing brightly. You opened his mouth with your pan to see if there were any sharp teeth like the creature in the dream you were stuck in but found that they were straight-lined teeth and you tilted your head to the side ''Huh.'' You said while looking at the mutated turtle. He gasped his eyes quickly opening making you jump and smack the back of his head once again the pan doing a clanking noise making him fall unconscious once again with the hard blow.

Now you would think that second hard blow to the back of his head would whip out his memories clean on how hard that blow was but no just made him unconscious. You looked at him and once again and pointed the pan at him waiting to give him a third blow to the head if he dared to wake up and scare you again. There was groaning noises behind you and you turned around to see the mutated talking turtle stood up and rubbed the back of his head with his hand. ''Who are you?'' You asked pointing the end of the pan towards him shaking a little bit and him looking up at you to still seeing stars and his vision becoming a little blurry. ''Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Donatello.'' He says standing up and swaying a little to the side feeling a little dizzy.

💜🔪Good in Purple🔪💜 (Donatello X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now