Brown, Orange and Red leaves

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November finally came around and you and April was putting up the Christmas tree up in the living room with hot cocoa sitting on the coffee table. It was a tradition that April did when she lived with her parents and couldn't exactly move out just yet and you were helping her arm the tree because sadly the apartment was too small and had to use the fake tree from the storage closet where she kept some of the stuff she barely used and the Christmas stuff with more holiday storage in it. You took out the yellow and green ornaments that she always used and handed some to her with you both filling the tree with a bunch of ornaments and a few decorations on the tree making it look nice. You, April and the boys were gonna hangout outside of the apartment and maybe play in the leaves that everyday fell from the tree and some other fun games you guys could think of. 

When you and April were finished decorating the Christmas tree and you both sat down on the couch drinking your hot cocoa and just talking about random stuff anyway. ''So, we should definitely make a Christmas party in December. What you think?'' April said looking over at you and drinking her hot cocoa. ''Yeah, I like that idea.'' You said smiling and looking over at her while you drink your cocoa and you put your cup down and did a smile. ''Oh, great! Then it's settled.'' She says with a smile and laughs. ''We should tell the boys about this.'' You say with a smile and laughed as well. ''Yeah, we should totally.'' April says smiling and drinking her cocoa while you picked up your cocoa from the coffee table just waiting for the guys to arrive so all of you could hangout. 

''I'll tell them for you.'' April said with a smirk forming on her lips and planning on putting a small mistletoe on top of the living room entrance and trying to see if Donnie and you stood below it and maybe kissed but you haven't told you that you both already kissed when you both were hanging out yesterday after she pretended to be tired after all the event that happened. ''Yeah, that sounds fair.'' You say looking at her suspiciously and drinking your hot cocoa trying to figure out what she was planning at the party. You and April heard a knock at the door and you stood up and opened it to see Mikey, Raphael, Leonardo and Donatello outside your apartment with all smiles. ''Hey, (Y/N)!'' They said all together with bigger smiles on their faces, well except for Donnie who had a sweet smile plastered on his lips like always. ''Hey, Sweetheart.'' He says his sharpie eyebrows wiggling on his head and having one hand under his chin. You smile and laugh a little at their hype faces and April walks by to head into the kitchen and they see April still having big smiles.

The boys race to her and losing your balance on how fast they raced by you. ''April!'' They screamed racing towards her and giving her a tight hug with her almost falling over but she managed to gain her balance. While you on the other couldn't really balance yourself than you felt a hand on your waist and catch you, you looked up and saw Donatello leaning down and having a hand on your waist and one hand holding your other hand with a smile on his lips. You blushed a little and he smiled more ''You ok, Sweetheart?'' He asked you still having you in that position and you nod stuttering a little ''Y-yeah.'' You said with a smile and he stood you up letting go of your waist and hand. ''Cool, be careful sweetheart.'' Donnie said with a smile and walked in the apartment with the boys following him and April staring at you with a smirk on her face and wiggling her eyebrows at you, you give her a playful death stare and roll your eyes at her playfully again.

You close the door and walk into the living room where the boys and April are just talking and laughing a little. ''You guys want hot cocoa? I made it myself.'' You say looking over at the boys with a smile and them talking at the same time ''Yes, please!'' The boys said with big smiles on their faces and you nodding and walking towards the kitchen laughing to yourself. You walked back to the living room a short time later and headed them each hot cocoa in a tray with them nodded as to say thank you and you smiled again. You sat down next to April and remembered about the party April was planning on doing with Donnie drinking his hot cocoa and not creepily staring at you like just admiring your beauty the whole time and drinking his hot cocoa stuck in his own daydream and not paying attention anymore. ''So, me and (Y/N) were thinking about throwing a party on December and I thought it was a good idea. So what you think?'' You both looked at the boys and them looking among themselves and they smiled. ''Yeah, that is a good idea.'' They said and started to plan about the decorations, food, turkey or chicken and a sweet dessert which they fought over being Christmas cake, cookies, ginger cookies, or chocolate chip cookies. You and April laughed at the boys silly fight them just being brothers and boys who always fought about stuff they couldn't agree on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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