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Sam was almost 100% sure he was dead.

At least, that was the only way to explain why he'd woken up in this situation. On the cold hard ground, with a whole pride of lions just feet away. He felt panic rise in his chest as he attempted to sit up, the pain coursed up and down him in a wave. He bit his tongue in an attempt to keep himself from screaming.

Nope, not dead. But the way he felt he kind of wished he was.

"Aha! You are awake and alive."

Sam's eyes narrowed, who had said that? He rubbed his head and attempted to see in the darkness, but it was clear that wasn't happening. "W-Who's there?" Sam managed. "Where am I!?"

A small chuckle responded as the voice came again. "You need not be afraid little one. I will not hurt you," Then the male voice continued. "You gave us quite the scare. Out for nearly four days like that."

Four days!? Sam felt panic swell up. He'd been asleep for four days? "Do you have a name, my child?"

Sam was silent, reluctant to reply but still managed. "Sam..." With a raspy voice. "Are you sure we're safe in here? There's a whole pride of lions!"

Another hearty laugh. "Afraid of lions, are you?"

Afraid? Not exactly. David's expertise had been with lions and Sam had spent the better part of a year working with them. But this was different - he was nearly in a lion's den. And whether he liked it or not they were wild animals. "They're lions. Awesome animals but really dangerous up close in the wild," Sam managed. "We should both be afraid."

"Wild? As opposed to what other kind of animal?"

Sam nearly choked on his next words when the mandrill with the walking stick stepped into the light. Was he actually losing it? Oh good, he had absolutely entered a state of shock... His breath hitched as he sat up a little straighter waiting for the vision to go away like that lion mirage.

It didn't.

"H-How? How are you talking right now?"

The mandrill tilted his head slowly, curiosity in his eyes as he stroked his chin. "You seem very confused my young friend. Let's start over," The mandrill gave a small bow of respect. "I am Rafiki. Royal Majuzi in these parts..."

"'These Parts'?"

"Yes, you are currently in the domain of his majesty, the honorable King Simba," Rafiki, Sam guessed, replied. "T'was his daughter who found you... Brought you here for me to heal."

When minutes passed, and Sam didn't wake up from a fever dream - he finally realized this was no mirage. He frowned a bit, and looked again at Rafiki. "Sorry, I just... Where I come from you... Don't talk," He finally managed. "... I uh, thanks... I think?"

Rafiki gave a small smile and patted his shoulder. "Most interesting... And you're welcome," Rafiki proceeded onto getting to the point. "And where do you come from, Sam? What species are you?"

Wait; had they never seen humans before? Who was Sam kidding, if humans encountered talking animals... They'd know about it. "A long... Long way from here," Sam admitted. "A whole continent. And I'm a... Human. It's a kind of evolved ape - sort of..."

Holy crap, was he actually having this conversation with an animal? "And what brings you all the way out here?"

It was a new voice that brought it to Sam's attention that one of the lion's was awake. A large, powerful male with narrowed eyes and a nervous expression on his face. "Your majesty," Rafiki greeted warmly. "A question I am most curious of myself. Rarely do we see visitors from outside our boarders."

THE LION KING: THE HEART OF ZIONWhere stories live. Discover now