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Sam didn't understand why Simba had woken him up before sunrise that morning.

David had been a little like that too, if he were being honest. But the young teen had always been a little less of a morning person. Still; when a king nudged you awake and asked you to follow him - you did what they asked.

They hiked to the very peak of Pride Rock before Sam realized how worth it this had been. He'd never seen a sunrise so magnificent as the one that touched just over the horizon. His wide eyes marveled at the view as he inwardly questioned why he'd brought him to see it.

"Beautiful, I know," Simba broke their silence as he sat upon the edge. "Everything the light touches is my kingdom."

Damn that was a lot of kingdom, Sam mused. "When I was a cub about Bakari's age, my father took me up here. And told me all about balance, my place, and the Circle of Life we hold close to us," Sam raised an eyebrow; he'd learned a little about the circle of life in his time there. So he hoped he could follow. "It was the first time I really felt... Connected to him. Like I really understood why we were here, and our purpose."

Sam nodded along, still not fully understanding why they were here. "It's beautiful, your majesty, really... But I don't... Get why you brought me here," Sam replied. "Not that I don't like a good sunrise."

Simba straightened, his eyes suddenly more serious. "Because whenever I worry... Whenever I have to make a big decision... I come here, and listen for his advice again," Sam took a seat, what was Simba getting at? "But this isn't just a decision that concerns me... Or Nala. It's a decision you have to make too."

OK. Now Sam was confused and a bit worried to boot. The boy looked along the beautiful sight and tried his best to keep his worries to himself. "What kind of decision?"

Simba was silent again for a moment, was he nervous? If Sam didn't know better he might have said so. But after a few moments, he found his voice. "Nala and I have spoken... To each other, Kiara, Kovu, even Bakari..." Sam raised an eyebrow. This was so important. "We don't want you to just join our Pride, Sam. We'd like you to join our family."

Sam's heart stopped. Trying to wrap his mind around what Simba had just told him. Was this a joke? Even as a lion, Simba and his family were royalty. And he was talking to someone who had been living among the filth and waste for many years... Had he lost his mind?

Standing to his feet, he took a few steps back. "Your majesty, you can't really... I mean, me?" He breathed out. "I... I don't know the first thing about being royalty. Before David found me I was the lowest you could go in society... I didn't have a home... Or family. I never even learned manners!"

Simba stopped him with a gentle paw. "That doesn't matter to us, Sam. We can teach you to be a proper prince... Trust me, I'm not even a perfect king," Sam was silent, eyes lowered to the ground. "What matters is what we've heard about you... About your past... Bothers us. The fact you lost David... Bothers us."

He took a few steps closer to Sam. "No cub should wonder what it's like to have a family... And they definitely shouldn't have the closest thing they have ripped from them," Sam didn't raise his eyes to look at Simba. Still a bit shaky. "I know... It's probably scary... We only barely know each other, and you can't trust easily."

Sam rubbed his arm. "You'll change your mind. The second I step out of line..."

The king's eyes softened again, what was he thinking? Him a prince? A prince of animals, but still making a kid like him from the slums a prince? "Sam, listen to me. Nala and I want you... We know it won't be easy, but we won't give up," Sam looked at him incredulously. "We're offering you a chance to start over... A new home, a new family, if you want it... Even a new name."

THE LION KING: THE HEART OF ZIONWhere stories live. Discover now