Care - Heejayhoon

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Sunghoon was never the one to get an actual good night of sleep, nor was he someone who liked to admit it. All the members worried for him, as he always woke up with light yet still noticeable eyebags. But no one could surpass Heeseung's and Jay's level of worry though.

"I'm fine you guys, I just stayed up watching a drama cuz I got carried away." Sunghoon lied for the billionth time.

"Okay then I guess, whatever you say hyung..." Sunoo muttered.

Sunghoon had also been getting dangerously skinnier, but no one really noticed since he started wearing more baggy shirts, except Heeseung and Jay of course. Everyone had to go practice in the dance room today so they all left while Heejayhoon stuck around for a little more. Sunghoon had also been hiding the fact that he has been dizzy since morning and had, in fact, not been eating.

"Hey Sunghoon," Jay spoke, "Me and Hee know you've just been working your dang butt off in your room secretly and skipping meals."

Sunghoon stopped in his tracks. He didn't think anyone would realize, and out of everyone, it had to be 'mom' and 'dad'.

"W-what are you t-talking about? We shouldn't keep the others waiting, I-I'm gonna go now!"

Before Jay and Heeseung could stop him, Sunghoon sprinted out of their apartment, his dizziness now accompanied by a throbbing headache. Heejay just decided to keep a close eye on Sunghoon in case anything happened since they also noticed how out of it he was more than usual. Their dance practice soon started; with drunk-dazed; and Sunghoon could already feel a potential blackout approaching, but before he could excuse himself to the bathroom, a staff member called him over.

"Sunghoon-shi, why don't you seem very well? You have to maintain proper health! And your dance is slacking quite a lot. This is not like you. If you're not trying to do well, why did you come today? Why did you even become an idol then, huh? Please, we don't want to be embarrassed any more, we need you in your A-game."

Sunghoon almost completely broke down, so when he got back with the members, looking down at his feet the whole time, he asked to go to the bathroom and sprinted away. Jay definitely didn't dismiss this and followed Sunghoon. When he came in, he heard quiet, yet somewhat loud, sobs. Jay's heart broke, but he was also filled with rage and anger. He walked up to the stall Sunghoon was in and quietly knocked on it.

"Hey...Sunghoonie...Why are you crying? You know you can always talk to me, right? Could you please come out and tell me what happened?"

Sunghoon didn't budge, but after wiping the tears and trying to act all strong and ok, he walked out, also trying not to look down. But after Jay could respond, Heeseung walked in. Sunghoon looked up for a second to see who it was but soon regretted it.

"Hey guys, what's takin- SUNGHOON!? Hey! What happened!? Did that bitchy staff member say something or...DO something!? I swear to god I'm going to-"

"Hey!" Jay was quick to shut Hee up. "We'll ask about that later, anyways, Hoon, we know you haven't been sleeping or eating enough and it's time we step in. We will not let you hurt your body anymore OR lie to us."

"I- no! I'm not! And who are you to decide-"

Sunghoon tried to continue but all of a sudden, he felt his knees buckle and started becoming really dizzy.

"W-what I get to do and n-not..ugh.."

Sunghoon stumbled onto Jay, both him and Heeseung pushed into a very worrisome state of mind.

"Oh my god! Sunghoon, are you alright? That's it, we are done with practice for today." Heeseung sternly projected.

Sunghoon was about to speak up but reluctantly nodded and quickly walked out of the bathroom to the others as if nothing happened. ENHA could tell something was seriously wrong so they all agreed to not let Sunghoon try to overwork himself with dancing again.

~700 words

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