Chapter 17 - None of your business

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Thank you @daylight032718 for following me. Enjoy!

Pghlfilms is sitting on his messy bed with a brown envelope next to him containing lots of family photos coming out, he grabs one of them and looks at it seeing his entire family at the beach when they were around 3-5 years old. They looked happy. Him in a fish floaty while sucking his thumb made Nathan chuckle. He looked at the dad next to him and his face turned to a disgusted look, He grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting it between his young self, it fell onto his sheets before he picked it up, crumpling it, and threw it into the trash bin that is on the right side of his bed. A while later there was a knock, "Come in." The door opened and a deep voice was heard. "Hey, son." He looked up and saw his dad standing there. He rolled his eyes and went back to what he was doing. "So, what are you doing?"

"It's none of your business, Dad. Go away." He replied. "Well, that's not how you reply to your dad." His dad said with his voice higher than usual. "Oh, I'm sorry I yelled at you, DAD." He said in a sarcastic tone. His dad signed and asked if he wanted to go somewhere for a day. Why is he asking me the same question...Pghlfilms asked himself feeling annoyed right now. "I can't, I'm busy..."

"Come on son, try to touch some grass for once."

"Not now Dad, I am doing something, please leave."

"Seriously son, you need to leave the house right now!"

"And you need to leave MY room right now! So LEAVE!!!"

Pghlfilms stared at him with angry eyes. The shouting took aback his dad but he couldn't let him lose his control so he left his room leaving the door open that his mom's head appeared on the door.

"Hey buddy~" Pghlfilms looked up again and saw his mom the second she walked in "I was the one who told your dad for you." Nathan signed "Why didn't you do it yourself?" "Why did you ask that kind of question? Is something bothering you when you're around him?" His mom asked when she received a shrug from her son. "Well, maybe getting out of the house for an hour or two could get your mind off things." "Yeah...You're right..." He gets off of bed and cleans up the mess he made, his mom gets up, walks over to him, and plants a kiss on his forehead before she leaves. He straightened his bed, before walking out of the room, closing the door afterward. He went downstairs and saw his dad at the bottom of the stairs. He gave him an eye roll once he reached downstairs. His sisters were out and so would he. He grabbed his sneakers next to the coat stand before opening the door, turned to his parents, and said: "I'll be back in an hour or 2." Before stepping out of the house and closing the door. His dad signed that he wanted to go back in time to start all over again.


Pghlfilms hadn't been to various places before so he decided to go to some. First, he went to the beach seeing families and a group of teenagers having the fun of their life. Pghlfilms wore a black shirt and some golden brown shorts to prevent sweating that much because it was summer. He noticed a fair not too far located at the brown wooden dock so he went there. He took a look around and it looked simple since everyone wanted to get a good view of the ocean. There were only a few games to play along with some delicious food to try on each stand which he wasn't starving at the moment. The Ferris wheel is at the end of where he had his eyes on, remembering the time his entire family was riding the Ferris wheel once while watching the sunset on the horizon, they were happy including him for thanking himself for not taking that memory away from him. While passing by a bunch of stands and happy families and friends, he noticed one food stand had fried rice with a mix of eggs and hotdogs along with vegetables like carrots and peas in paper bowls with spoons. He walked over to it and asked: "How much are these?" Pghlfilms asked the lady behind the counter "Only $5." The lady answered. Pghlfilms grabbed his wallet from his pocket, reached out the money he took from his piggy bank, and paid for the bowl. She took it and gave it to him along with a bottle of water. "Thank you and come again!" She said with a smile. He nodded before he left. He took a spoonful of it and it tasted good of course, he wasn't really hungry but come on! Just try one! Once he finished it, he threw it in the right bin before removing the cap on the bottle, taking a sip, and closing it afterward before taking his cue to go home.


When he reached home, he walked in and saw no one in the living room, he walked over to the table and saw a letter which was his mom's handwriting saying that she'd be back for a few hours to get some stuff. He made a 'hm' sound before he proceeded to go upstairs where he noticed his door was opened. When he got to his door, he saw his dad kneeling with the box of his awardees from the past looking at it in amazement. "Dad?" His dad looked up and answered: "Oh hey, your mom told me to clean you and your siblings while you guys are out and I kinda stumbled something under your bed while I was sweeping the dust." Pghlfilms rolled his eyes and walked into his room where he took the papers out of his father's hand putting them back while he said: "Well? Those are in the past..."He muttered something that his dad could hear while he fixed the stuff, his dad watched him before he said: "I know...I noticed the pictures under the bed after you went out..." Pghlfilms realized that his dad noticed the pictures he had cut out. "...Why did you cut me out of the picture?" Pghlfilms had his back facing him as he got up and didn't answer the question but asked: "Why do you have to be in someone's business?"


Pghlfilms turned to face him angrily and said: "Dad, I said it's None. Of. Your. Business." He pointed his index towards the door signaling to "Get out."


"Get OUT!" Pghlfilms shouted. His dad got up and walked out of the room. He was breathing heavily as he tried to calm himself down, sitting on his bed and muttering angrily at himself.

"Why do you have to be in my business Dad..." Pghlfilms muttered to himself. He really needed a break from him.


The next day his dad came to his room again if he wanted to do something today which irritated Nathan but he simply replied 'no' since he'd be playing with his friends online for the day and he needed some quiet time without any disturbance which his dad didn't take it well because he would glance at him behind his door every 30 minutes as he plays with his friends with his headphones on his head, Pghlfilms noticed it by the screen of his monitor, turning his head on the doorway where his dad is telling him that he doesn't want someone watching him and he needs to leave which hit him as he leaves. Pghlfilms doesn't know if he regrets saying that yet something bothers him. The next few hours in his house were uncomfortable or irritable because his dad would check up on him whenever he watched YouTube on his phone or read a book that he wasn't interested in. Pghlfilms tries to calm himself down and simply replies before answering; 'please leave...' or 'get out...'. But when it hit Monday, he got busy and Pghlfilms could breathe again but something happened the very next week.

I got sick but I'm better but the coughing is still present. Sorry if I posted this day, my health is important. Anyways thanks for reading. I'll probably back to the Roblox YouTuber chapter/episode. Stay tuned.

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