Eyes At The End (Countryhumans)

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Saša - Austria-Hungary - He/She (He/Him used in story)
Kaoru - Imperial Japan - She/Her
Alexandr - Russian Empire - He/Him
Ekrem - Ottoman Empire - He/Him
Alois - German Empire - He/Him
Annalisa - Kingdom of Italy - She/Her
Cristobal - Spain - He/Him
Koen - Netherlands - Any (He/Him used, set pre-realizing they're genderfluid)
Aleta - Portugal - She/Her
Farren - UK - He/Him
Aceline - France - She/Her
Cadence - Canada - She/Her
Altair - America - He/Him

Lucius - Roman Empire - He/Him
Herwig - Austria - She/Her (post-transition human name is Brunhilde, set pre-transition and before she even realized she's trans)
Györgyi - Hungary - They/Xe (Set pre-realizing they're nonbinary, but they've kept the same name)

semi-canon (Canon events, non-canon legend, I still haven't decided on the true story, and also obviously Saša getting killed in combat is non-canon, bro actually faded after the war)

it's AH and US's friendship story :)

Saša's glasses fell off as he adjusted his tie, and his eyes, one red and the other green, revealed to the room in front of him. He quickly snagged his glasses and placed them on his face, believing he was safe, if only for a split second.

"Did you all see those eyes?" Kaoru asked as she brushed her hand through her hair.

"They're quite devilish, aren't they?" Alexandr spoke as the room nodded, having seen Saša's eyes.

Ekrem, who had been standing next to Saša, slowly scooted away, "The world as we know it is going to die!" he exclaimed.

"You're overreacting." Alois commented.

"Do you not remember what happened with Lucius?" Ekrem rebutted, "His eyes were what killed him and they were two different colors like that. And then the whole world changed."

"I hate to admit you're right." Alois sighed, "And the color is already quite developed. The end is near."

Saša gritted his teeth, staying silent. The colors of his eyes weren't something that developed, but rather something he was born with, unlike the myth is they had about Lucius.

"Do Herwig and Györgyi know?" Annalisa wondered aloud.

"They've got to, they're his parents." Cristobal paused, turning to look at Saša, "Right?"

Saša slowly nodded, stopping his inching towards the door.

"I don't particularly like this suggestion, but it might be best if Herwig and Györgyi take his place." Koen suggested, hiding however he felt about the situation.

"That might be best..." Aleta nodded, biting the inside of her cheek, as if holding back a thought.

"How would we even do that?" Alois questioned, "It's not like we can just ask him to leave."

Saša sighed. They were really having this conversation in front of him, weren't they? He looked around, seeing the confused and in thought faces of most, although the four who had remained silent wore other expressions. Farren seemed conflicted, Aceline was staring at Saša in concern, Cadence looked as if she was about to go on a rampage of anger, and Altair almost looked hurt, although his stoicism hid that quite well.

"You know how I deal with situations like this?" Kaoru gave a grin, "I ignore them."

"That's what we must do then, yeah?" Alexandr asked.

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