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Hiring  - International Travel Reviewer

Have you ever wanted to travel the world? And do you like to review things? If so, this may just be the job for you. This job gives you the opportunity to travel the world, all expenses paid, as long as you review the hotels, restaurants, and activities you do while abroad. You even get to choose where you go, so it could be a world-renowned location like Paris, or a hidden jewel like the Seychelles. It's all up to you. Who you go with, how long you stay, all of that is in your hands. We have worker gatherings once a month in scattered places, and we'll pay to get you there, and for all your expenses there, but they aren't required. They're only there so co-workers can meet, and maybe decide they want to do a trip together. We try to suggest activities, but as always, you don't have to follow any of that. We understand that the world is your oyster, and it's your journey, not ours.

When not adventuring the world around us, you can either take a break or help the company build set trips, which our guides will then take groups on or just post online, using the reviews you and your co-workers have sent in. And for helping to build the set trips, hours are completely flexible. We just ask that you work at least six hours for at least four days a week, if you're not on a trip that week, although the days and hours can be shifted around if needed. These trips could even just be one day trips to a nearby town, if you want them to be. We get that burnout's rough, so we get it if you just need a break, just let us know. We make sure you have plenty of time to just be yourself, so excluding extra days from trip weeks and the three days maximum you'd get off on the weeks you help to build trips on, we offer 10 weeks worth of time off. Plus, we get it if you have an emergency, days required for emergencies don't come out of your time off either. We just want to make this job work for you, not the other way around.

When building trips, you'll be working with other International Travel Reviews, company executives, people hired just to build trips, and often those from the place or places, giving their two cents. We've even had employees work with government officials on this part before. They all happen on google meet, the trip building itself being done on the trip building part of our website. It's an extremely chill environment, and no one has more power over the others in terms of trip building, so just get your own thoughts out there. We have multiple trip building sessions at once, so you can either focus on one, or bounce between them. We just want people to have the best time they can, so we don't see the point of restricting your ability to help us out.

We don't pay by the hour or as a set salary, we pay by the week, and based on the quality of your work. However, we do have a base salary of 1,000 dollars a week, so that's what you'd get for weeks off or in the rare case where quality is just that bad. Quality has never been that bad though, and on average, we pay each employee 3,000 dollars a week. We also check up to make sure if there was a reason for a major decline in quality. We don't want to punish you for things out of your control. For company functions, we could care less about what you wear, we've never been a fan of restrictive dress codes.

We also have language staff here, if you'd like to learn a language to help you with your travels. We're always hiring more for languages, so we can't list them all here, but here's a small sample of what we can offer—French, Icelandic, Welsh, Luxembourgish, Thai, Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, Italian, German, Arabic, Georgian, Spanish, and Greek. We just want you to enjoy yourself and your job, so we want to offer as much as we can. We want this job to work for you, not for you to work for this job.

The only thing that may be restricting is that we do require two week-long trips internationally for this position. As always, it's all expenses paid, and you can stay for longer if you'd like. It's not like these international trips have to be far, either. An Italian who lives on the border of San Marino could spend a week in San Marino and it would count. We also require a valid passport, and we will pay for any renewals while you are employed, along with any other traveling requirements. We'd prefer a degree, and particularly in some sort of international field, whether that be international relations, languages, or history, but that is far from required. If you seem like you'd be a good fit, you'll be hired regardless of degree status.

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