Main Story Description
Aruto Akanoma a First year Student in Nakamichi High School has Started his First Semester as a High school student but things aren't so great in Osaka beacause some strange creatures called shadows lurking under the City hun...
Aruto: now i didnt know her but she did know my name
until he got a Call from Amano
On the Line
Amano: hello Aruto its me Amano are you available tonight
Aruto: whats wrong
Amano: yoiu have to be on gaurd Mia Taylor is the Next Target
Aruto: Taylor
Amano: yes shes the next target of an Evil Organization known as Asgarda
Shisuke: asgarda
Amano: yes accoeding to the Main Data they are the ones responsable of the Murders its a kind of a faction that Produces Main Dna Shadow cells to Human Sources
Aruto: ok we'll be on our way tonight
Amano: good luck
End of Line
Aruto: we should check on her tonight lets meet after school
Shisuke: got it
Mineta: right ill Noberu if hes available
Timeskip to Class
Mr Cain: ok class today well talk about the Painting Called Mona Lisa as you can see Mona Lisa as you can see Mona Lisa is painted by the artist himself Leonard Da Vinci no Question what place is Mona Lisa was Made
As Aruto raised his Hand
Aruto: Louvre Paris
Mr Cain: Correct so lets keep out next topic
Speaker: announcement youll be all going home today
as the class ends
Kyo: man class ended early
Rohan: yup i wonder why
Aruto: something wrong
Rohan: well im planning to eat some more ramen but i should go home
Aruto: ok well see you tommorow
Rohan: yeah see ya
as Rohan Left
Aruto: so its you and me
Kyo: sorry dude i got things to do see ya
as Kyo left
Timeskip to evening
Asuka was walking at the Streets she saw Ren Hazuki at the Waterside
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