4) Stay

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I bring my hand up to my throat slowly, thinking its just anxiety.

Oh no.

I dart off in desperate search of a bathroom, trashcan, something. I make it out the back door just in time I duck off to the side of the house, my insides spilling everywhere.

Suprisingly, Agent had followed after me.

"Are you okay you jus took off?" He said concerned, as he started to round the corner. "Fuck, ew" he turned his head back around quickly.

"Are you ok?" He reaches his arm over, rubbing my back as I'm emptying my guts out. The revolting sound taking over the quiet night air.

I sit up breathing hard. My stomach hurts. I really wanna go lye down. Thinking it's over I lean back to answer his question, moving my hair from infront of my face. "Yeah, I think I'm- HAU" I'm immediately leaning back over.

This is the last way I had imagined us meeting. Hell, I hadn't even imagined meeting him. This all just seemed a bit to good to be true. Did we both really just sit staring into one another's eyes like that. I'm drunk, things are just moving slower for me. I'm just hallucinating he's not even here, Yeah that's what it is. I need to go lay down.

He moves closer on a bended knee. He's rubbing my back and moving my hair out of my face. Yeah, this can't possibly be real.

As I finally finish, I prop myself against the side of the house. Me and Agent sit there for a moment, no words, no eye contact, nothing.

I finally decide to look up at him. Oh, he was looking at me. He's then took his phone out, now tapping away on it. After awhile he places it against his ear.

"Thanks preciate' it."

He ends the call and sits beside me against the house.

"Alrighty, so what's your name?" He says to me his head still facing forward.


"I thought as much, well we need-"

I interrupted him, "What's your name?" My head turned to face him.

He then faces me. Holding eye contact momentarily.

"Din. It's Din" he cleared his throat.
"You called me Agent00 before, but my real names Din.".

We sat there staring at eachother. Someone came out the backdoor holding a water bottle and a few paper towels. It was the guy with the grills again. Both of us then switching out attention to him.

"Damn, I knew she wasn't aii" The dude said looking at me then back to him, now giving Agent- I mean Din the stuff.

The other guy stood there, a puzzled look on his face.

A Couple of Forevers || Agent00 x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now