5) Just Breifly

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Din Pov

As the hours passed, I sat in the dimly lit room, keeping a vigilant watch over Y/N. Her breathing remained steady, and the earlier tumultuous events of the party had given way to a quiet serenity.

The connection between us had evolved from a mere online attraction to something deeper and more profound. Atleast I hoped, or was it just me...?

The soft glow of the moonlight streamed through the window, casting a gentle radiance on Y/N's peaceful face. I couldn't help but marvel at her ethereal beauty, something that had initially drawn me to her online content. Her eyelashes cast delicate shadows on her cheeks, and her lips, which had spoken my name in a whisper earlier, were slightly parted.

The weight of the night and the newfound connection pressed on my mind. It was as if fate had orchestrated our meeting, weaving a story that transcended our online personas. The temptation to lean closer, to press a tender kiss against her lips, was almost irresistible. No I couldn't. She needed rest and recovery, not my desires complicating the situation.

Minutes turned into hours, and the room remained wrapped in a tranquil hush. My phone, previously on DND, now had messages coming in. I retrieved it from my pocket. Both Duke and Kai responded to my messages.

Big Double D

Sent 2 hr ago
Aye nigga just don't fuck ole girl. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Sent 2 hr ago
FsFs Lemme kno if u changed yo mind

Sent 45 minutes ago
We dipping rn

I close out of my messages and place my phone to the side. I couldn't take my eyes off her. The bond we were forming was something I couldn't quite explain, but it felt significant. There was a vulnerability in her that I had seen, and it had sparked a fierce protectiveness within me.

I continued to watch Y/N sleep, my thoughts drifting between our online interactions and the reality of the moment. Her hand rested near the edge of the bed, and I couldn't resist the urge to reach out and intertwine our fingers. The simple act of holding her hand filled me with a sense of connection that went beyond the digital realm.

In the quiet of the room, I pondered the events that had led to this night. Y/N and I had been fans of each other's online content for a while. We had admired each other's work and expressed our attraction in the form of likes, comments, and subtle acknowledgments. However, neither of us had expected our paths to cross in the real world, especially not in the midst of a chaotic party.

As I gazed at Y/N's peaceful face, I contemplated the unexpected turns life could take. Fate had thrown us together, and I couldn't help but feel that there was more to our connection than met the eye. It was as though the universe had conspired to bring us to this pivotal moment.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, Y/N stirred in her sleep, her eyelids fluttering open. She gazed at me with a mixture of confusion and recognition. "Din," she murmured, her voice soft and raspy.

A warm smile spread across my face as I squeezed her hand gently. "Hey there," I replied, my voice filled with tenderness. "You had me worried for a moment."

Y/N's brow furrowed as she tried to sit up, but I gently placed my free hand on her shoulder to keep her lying down. "You're safe, Y/N. Don't rush."

She relaxed back against the pillows and focused on my face, as if trying to remember something. "I remember... the party, and then..." Her eyes widened with realization. "I threw up, didn't I?"

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