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 No words were exchanged. 

It was silent. 

George would glance at Dream a couple of times during the drive. 

The way the blond's hand rested on the gearshift while his other hand held the wheel at 11 o'clock.  He looked good but George wasn't gonna admit that. 

After awhile in car, George presses his head against the window. He had slipped off his shoes since they were killing him. He brings his legs close to his chest.

He gives Dream one more look before closing his eyes. 

It didn't take long for Dream to finally pull up to his house. 

He slowly drives into his house once he unlocked the front gate. After putting the car in park he takes the keys out of the ignition. He then looks over to his left to see the brunette still sleeping. 

His face softens as he gazed at him. Dream then gently puts his hand on George's shoulder, shaking him slightly. "George", he whispered. But nothing, George just mumbles as he drapes his hand over his face. 

Dream sighs as he rolled his eyes with a smile. 

"Waking you up is still a pain huh", he mutters to himself. 

"George come on you have to wake up" 

"Ugh finee" 

George rubs his eyes as he got out the car. He just left his shoes, they didn't even fit him away. 

George then looks up at the house in front of him. 

Dream's house. 

He turns around. George just stared at the empty lawn that was always freshly cut. 

But then George slowly began to walk down the driveway. 

"George?", Dream says but the brunette just kept walking. 

George stopped once he reached the middle. 

He blinks and suddenly it was day out. 

George lifts his hand up to shield the sun from his eyes as he turned around. There in front of him was Dream's house. But it was exactly how he remembered it. Then out of now where a kid with dark brown hair runs pass him. 

"You can't catch me Dream!" 

George eyes widened when he saw who it was. It was him. But younger. Next a boy with blonde hair runs pass him. 

"Yes I can!" 

George smiles to himself slightly as he watched. But when he blinked it was night again. 

George was standing on the lawn and when he looked down on the floor he saw younger Dream laying on his back as he stared up at the sky. 

The both of them used to lay together on the lawn and just watch the stars.

George slowly made his way over to Dream, laying down next to him. But when he looked to the side he saw Dream but older. 

Dream smiled at him as he gently slipped his hand into George's. The brunette giggled as he felt himself blush to the action. 

He always liked it when Dream would hold his hand. 

"George", the blond says softly. 



The brunette blinks and Dream was gone but he was still laying on the grass. He quickly sits up as he looked around confused. Then that's when he sees Dream in front of him. The blond was looking down at him with a slight concern. 

There is Beauty in Chaos [ dnf ]Where stories live. Discover now