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 Once George made it to the small forest, he began to trot along a dirt path.

 After following it for a good awhile it leads him to big fallen rocks from the mountains near by.  He looks at it for a brief moment. 

Why not. 

Carefully putting one paw in front of the other, he climbs up the rock. With one big leap he makes it to the top. 

George walks towards the edge and sits down. He then looks up at the tall tress. 

The way their branches tangled up with each other, stretching up far into the sky. The shrieks of the hawks that sore through the sky. 

But George's ears perk up when he hears a hoarse weep. 

What the? 

George stands up and looks around but saw nothing. 

Suddenly another weep, following with a few others. 

George quickly gets down from the rock and follows the cries of what ever it was. The noise was leading him off the path but he didn't pay no mind to it. 

George carefully walked down since it was steep. But when he out of the bushes he's meet with a raging river. 

The water was running fast and furious. It would hit and slash against the rocks that were within it. Making a noise that sounded like thunder claps. 

I could have sworn- 

Again, a cry. 

George looks around, walking along side the river. 

Up ahead in the water, George notices a big branch in the water that was weirdly shape. 

Oh my god! 

It's a cub! 

A b-bear cub! 

There attached to the branch was a little brown bear cub. It's head was barely above the water and cried out with the few air it had left. But with the waves, it was causes the branch to bob up and down. Dunking the cub underwater.  

It was only a matter of time for the branch to break. 

"Don't worry little guy! I'm gonna get you!", George barked as he ran closer to where the cub was. He could tell it was getting tired and weak. 

Without thinking, George crouches low as he wagged his tail. 

Come on.. 

Just like that, George pushes off his hind legs. Jumping right into the water. 

He lands into it with a slash. 

George paddles both front paws while kicking with his hind legs. 

George gently takes the cub by the scruff and began to climb back up on the other side- 

The branch breaks and pushes George off the side of the river. Making him fall back into the water. 

He lifts his head up high so the cub wouldn't be submerged under the water. 

George tries his best to grip onto the side again but the branch continued to push him. 

He looks forward to see what else he could hold onto but then that's when he sees the end of the river. Leading to nothing but the sky. 

A waterfall. 

There is Beauty in Chaos [ dnf ]Where stories live. Discover now