Chapter 16

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Marshall: Rocky, you can't just quit the team!  We need you, I need you!  Please, Rocky?

Rocky: I am sorry Marshall, but I am no good on a team when I am afraid of the crystal blue water.

Ryder: But Rocky, you're our eco pup!  Nobody can replace you! Besides, you'll crush Marshall's spirit and Chase will not stop bugging you to be his mate. Is that what you want?  I mean it's your decision whether you quit or not but you need to hear me out, please!  Zuma is doing all this hard work keeping Chase out of your face and it'll be all for nothing if you quit.

Marshall: Please stay Rocky?

Marshall give Rocky puppy dog eyes

Rocky:  I... I will stay in Adventure Bay, because everything you said is faithful Ryder but with your permission can I sit this mission out please?

Ryder: Of course Rocky and I will help you overcome your fear of the water using baby steps.

Rocky: Thanks, Ryder!

Ryder: Of course Rocky.

Skye: Will we be able to do this without Rocky Ryder?

Ryder: I hope so Skye.

Back at the pizzeria, Chase and Zuma just finished their pizza

Zuma: I am so glad you and I awe dating and having such a gweat time, awen't you Chase?

Chase: Indeed and we haven't even had dessert yet, you know, the cannolis you were talking about Zumie?

Zuma: Oh yeah! 

Zuma gets the attention of a waiter

Zuma: Excuse me siw?  Do you think you can get ouw waitew, please?  We want to owdew dessewt.  Thank you!

Man:  Of course! Let me get him for you.

Max arrives at their table

Max:  You were looking for me? So sorry, I was at another table taking an order. What would you two like?

Chase: Two cannoli's, please? One for me and for my cute date Zuma.

Zuma blushes hard

Max: Right away! 

He heads off to get them

Chase: Pardon me for asking Zuma, but what are we going to do after we enjoy our dessert?

Zuma: We awe going to have sex, what else Chase?

Chase: You are going to let me have sex with you Zuma? I thought you might not.

Zuma: Well, you have been so nice to me all this time Chase and I also noticed that you wewe peeking at my dick a couple of times, so I know you weally want it Chase in your ass. Am I wight in saying so?

Chase blushes badly and nods yes

Zuma: Well I am going to make suwe you get the tweatment that you desewve Chase and I nevew take back a pwomise.

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