I Shouldn't Know, But I Do

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"I'm surprised you came," I whispered, leading Oddy into the house. The door creaked and closed louder than I'd liked.

"I was worried," he admitted, following closely behind me up the stairs. Once we got to the second floor, I turned to him and put a finger to my mouth.

Our footsteps made the stairs to the attic squeal, but nothing too troublesome. I sat on the floor again once we were in the room fully, pushing the trash under my desk so he didn't see what was in my stomach. "Anyways..."

"Are you good, or dying, or what?" he asked, kneeling in front of me.

"I'm not dying," I laughed, though that would be a hell of a lot less embarrassing than what I was dealing with.

"So what's goin' on with you? You were weird as fuck leaving last night, then you got all bitchy on the phone and hung up. What'd I do?"

"I think I jus' got frustrated with you last night. You were taking too long," I said, looking anywhere but at him.

"You don't like foreplay?" he asked, and I raised my eyebrows, giving him a look. Is he stupid? Is that even a question? "I mean, it makes sense. I just didn't know it pissed you off that much."

"It's fine when it's quick and it, like, gets to the point faster. But when it's all slow, it's too frustrating. Like married couple shit."

"I heard married couples don't even have sex," he joked, earning a smile from me. "But nah, I gotchu. Next time I'll get to the point. Aight?"

"Thanks, Ozzy."

"No problem, Sharon."

"Oooh, good one. I didn't even think about that."

"You kinda look like her."

"Shut up, I do not look like an old British white lady with botched plastic surgery. Now you're deliberately tryna piss me off," I said, slowly rising from my spot on the floor.

"So, you tryna get to the point right now, or...?" he trailed off, standing up straight and reaching out for me.

"No, that's not why I called. I jus' needed someone to talk to, get my mind off shit before I end up killing myself," I pushed his hand away, electricity flashing through me from the slight, short contact.

"You do look kinda sick. It's that bad?"

"Well, kinda. I, um... had a flashback nightmare. One of the worst days of my life, relived. So when I woke up, I actually got fuckin' sick."

"You need medicine or somethin'? I can get-"

"Woah, woah, chill out," I backed away from him, the feelings of shame from last night and earlier today starting to creep back in. "I'm good. Don't be offering to take care of me like I'm your girlfriend or some shit. I'm not. You get plenty of hoes, don't be treating me like that."

"I'm tryna be a good person, Shi. The fuck? What do the hoes have to do with that?"

"It- it's just weird to me."

"Answer the question."

"You and your fucking questions, oh my god-"

"Yo, why do you care about me getting hoes?"

"I don't care!"

"Then what's the problem?"

"My problem is with you acting like a boyfriend -- it's weird."

"I'm acting like a friend, have you never fuckin' had one?" he whispered harshly, coming closer to me to get his point across.

I looked up at him, he seemed to tower over me even though he was only six inches taller. Finally, I slowly shook my head. "Nope. No time."

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