Feels Good To Be Queen

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Rossiya Pov

The kitchen went silent the moment I walked in, clad in pajamas and unruly hair. Well I just woke up, it was to be expected. They all looked at me and went about their routines; a foreign queen, they didn't see any need to show me respect. I just made my cereal and sat down while looking at my phone. Surprisingly this place wasn't all that different.

"You'd expect someone of her status to be prim and proper but here she is looking like the common folk," I heard one of the maids whisper and the other one snickered. "This is one of the reasons lady Meredith should be our queen instead, you wouldn't catch her dead looking like a drowned rat."

They were becoming more bold.

"It doesn't matter anyway the lady has his majesty's heart even among the other concubines she is one who she treasures mo-"

The maid began to cough loudly while she choked on her own blood. I didn't even bother looking at them as they screamed and tried to help their friend, "well isn't that unfortunate?" I asked not hiding the amusement in my voice. The two girls looked at me in horror as their friend knelt in the little puddle of blood forming.

"Next time you want to talk about me, make sure I'm not within ear shot ladies; I'm a fae and if you're well read then you know fae have a taste for blood. I can kill you and I will so it would be in your best interests to keep your tails between your legs."

"Are we clear?" They nodded frantically and I let the ordeal drag out for a few more seconds before cooling her blood and leaving. I couldn't show anyone that I was bothered by my whore of a husband, this marriage was simply for the preservation of the natural order of things.

I wandered around the castle until I heard the sound of steel clashing, following the sound I found myself at the training grounds. Most of the knights just stared and me while only a few made an effort to actually greet me.

"Did her highness come to watch us practice, you'd think she would be enjoying her first night with the king." I felt my face fall for a moment, everywhere I went these people were fixated on my blatant rejection, of course that's what he wanted. "As you know your king would much rather spend his nights with common whores than his own wife; I don't know where those women have been and I'm sure STDs are not limited only to surface dwellers."

Two things happened as soon as I uttered those words. First there were a series of gasps and even snickers and second; well, I had a sword pointed at my throat. The nerve of these people.

"Lady Meredith is not a 'common whore' she is the who the king's heart is with and you, my queen are nothing but a political tool. He doesn't want to risk her life so he had to take you in, a filthy half breed."

"Pick a sword."

I raised my brow, insulting me was one thing but openly challenging me to a fight? He was either really dumb or really brave. Either way blood was going to be shed. Ares had told me that I would have to put them in their place more often than not because of their king had no respect for me, they had no reason to. "Are you one of the knight commanders?" I intentionally let a little power deep into my voice and stepped towards the sword, letting it tip touch my neck. "If you are then if I beat you, you'll have to swear loyalty to me and so does your squad."

He had the nerve to laugh and so did a good number of them, I don't think these people knew much about me which meant they had no clue about my stand off with Aegaeon. "Fine then but I have a condition, your kind are known for relying on their power instead of physical prowess so I'll agree with your demand if you fight me with nothing but a sword."

"No problem."

I summoned the daggers Ares had gifted me and took my stance, the rules of this were simple; we fight until one of us yields.

He charged at me first but a simple side step was enough; I didn't waste any time and slashed open his shoulder then jumped away. Deep enough for it to hurt like a bitch but not enough for him to lose use for his arm, he needed to learn. That got him riled up, he came for me again with speed that would be difficult to follow for anyone else but I had no trouble. Instead, I met him head on and slid under him at the last moment, twisting my body so that I was on my feet before he could fully catch on and kicked him so hard be near barreled into the dirt.

It went on and on, him slashing at me and me using every opening to my advantage. When I started to use flash steps he couldn't even keep up and as a result the knight commander was covered in cuts and bruises.

"You talk a big game yet you haven't been able to land a single hit, it's pathetic really." I was getting bored so I abandoned my daggers and went for hand to hand. There was just something more gratifying when you punched someone square in the jaw or broke their nose.

I intentionally allowed him to get close enough to land a hit but as he swung his sword down I caught his arm mid air and squeezed. In one quick move I jerked my hand and heard his broke break; the pain made him drop his sword and I went for his face, then his leg. Another satisfying sound.

I got behind him and grabbed the knife in his waist band and dragged it across his throat. Of course I wouldn't let him back out because he couldn't die from a simple knife wound. Pushing his body off me while he choked on his own blood I stared at the rest of the knights who had stunned faces, "I guess your commander lost to a filthy half breed. Tragic isn't it?"

Only after my high wore off did I see Ares in the crowd, watching me with a heated gaze. I felt equally and hot in my belly, he shouldn't look at me like that and I shouldn't like it.


Well as the saying goes "if you fuck around, you'll find out"

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