It's Okay To Love Them Both

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Rossiya pov

When he looked at me, his features were impossibly dark. The disgust and hurt in his eyes was enough to make me flinch but I held still. "Guess the rumors are true, fae can never really be satisfied with just one partner."

I couldn't help but flinch as his words gutted me. His eyes were cold and hard, reminding me of the way Hades would look at me every time I was in his line of sight. My mouth opened but before any words could come out he raised his hand, "save it."

Those were his parting words.

I looked at Ares who looked at me apologetically, wetness flowed down my cheeks but no sobs escaped my lips. I wanted to go after him, I really did but my body was disconnected from my brain. It felt like forever before Ares wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in his warmth. Part of me wanted to push him off but a bigger part of me sought comfort in his arms.

What was happening? Why did I feel the same thread tethering me to Luc and Hades with him too? I needed answers and only one person could give them to me.


"You're beginning to make a habit out of coming here your majesty, I'm not sure how many more times I can bend the rules for you," the disembodied voice I had become so accustomed to said with amusement.

"Although I want to see her, my mother; I came specifically for you this time." It was silent for a good while before smoke seemingly gathered out of thin air and materialized into a woman who's face I would recognize anywhere.

The shock must've been evident on my face judging by her proud smirk. I had so many questions but they weren't as important as what I wanted to know. "Well, you have my attention your majesty; now what is it that made you come all the way here, to see me?" Her eyes shimmered with excitement and a knowing look, almost as if she knew exactly why I was here.

"It's about my mate or rather possible 'mates'." She arched a perfect brow but the smile on her face only grew. "I know I'm mates to Hades, that I'm sure of but there's someone else or rather two someones and I need you to tell me how likely it is to have your soul bound to more than one person."

Silence stretched between us for what felt like many moments. I wanted to ask her what was so funny as she paced around me but I held my tongue. "Well it isn't likely at all, but it's possible. There have been instances; rare as they may be, where a soul is paired with more than one mate and yours is one such case."

"You see, you're not alive but you're not exactly dead either, so that plays a part in this. You are the daughter of a very, very powerful god and as such you need a soul to balance you out. That was meant to be Lucellion; the lamia king."

"With Ares, the situation is quite interesting. You see, he was born a lone soul and as such never really had his perfect half, but when you died and came back your soul somehow bound itself to his."

"As for Hades, well someone was pulling the strings there I'm afraid, someone that isn't me," I looked at her skeptically, not believing a word she said. She laughed in response, "listen; I may be as extremely powerful as I am old but not even I could manipulate the fabric of celestial souls."

"The underworld was dying and no chosen bride lived long enough to withstand its power, so the child of a high-born god and fae that had also become a nekromantiea seemed to be the perfect balance for him."

After she had finished explaining it made sense but didn't at the same time. She must've guessed my thoughts because her next words felt like a breath of fresh air, "I can assure you that all three of them are your true mates Rossiya, you only recognized Hades at first glance because of the hand that person had. Ares and Lucellion are just as much a past of you as he is."

"But be careful with this information, keep it between yourselves for now because there are people who will use them as a weakness." After that she waved a hand and I was back in my room, drenched in sweat.

I smelled Luc before I saw him. He was standing by the window furthest from me while Ares sat by my bedside, it warmed my heart that even when he was livid he still scared. That warmth didn't though, because the memories of his words replayed over and over in my head like a bad record.

"Luc, can you come here please?"

The muscles in his back tensed up more, if that was even possible but he obliged anyway. His face was stone cold but I could see hints of relief in his red eyes. I felt a warm blush creep across my face when I remembered her words, Lucellion was my first mate. I had to thank Eros because he definitely knew what he was doing.

Luc sat down and his scent mixed with Ares' drowning me. I took each of their hands in mine and reiterated what I had been told.

I'm back🫶🏽!!!
I sincerely apologize for the long wait but I will try and update as much as possible.

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