The Aftermath

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Ares pov

Waking up didn't mean that her torture was over. In the last few days Ross has had multiple incidents, each one worst than the last. First it started with waking up, still thinking she was stuck in a dream; a dream where one of the people she loved was taken from her and each time she reiterated the dream after regaining her senses it became harder to hear.

That wasn't even the worst of the worst, not even close. The worst of it came when she resorted to self harm. That version of Hades along with a woman she refused to mention convinced that her life was the price to pay for ours. She slit her wrists, poisoned herself, tried drowning and hanging but nothing worked; why would it? She was a nekromantiea, one of the few true immortals, she knew she couldn't die but it didn't stop her from trying.

I was watching her but she didn't even acknowledge my presence. All she did was stare out the window hour after hour, a shell of her former self. Hecate had said this was normal for someone who had just woken up from the eternal sleep, lines between dreams and reality were blurred and the need to end one's suffering became an obsession. The poison was specifically made to break the mind to the point of insanity as a fail safe for the few who managed to wake up from it. It made sense.

The poison had a major component of the dark magic used to create the chaos tower. Few people had made it out of that place and even fewer with their lives or minds intact. Never both.

I left only for a moment to get her something to eat and the sight that greeted me when I came back will haunt me for the rest of my life. Ross, η καρδιά μου, was standing on the windowsill, back turned to me. The tray fell from my hands without me noticing but the sound finally made her look at me. Her eyes, Those once fierce Gold eyes were dull and empty. She didn't cry like the other times and to be honest I would've preferred if she did.

She looked at me and smiled, her first real smile with the wind blowing in her hair she looked liked a tragic masterpiece. "I'd give my life for yours a thousand times over."

My body froze for a moment and that's all it took.

Rossiya leaned back,

And fell.

I went after her. I didn't think, my body just moved and now we were both free falling from a 1000 feet in the air with her falling faster than I was, close enough to brush her fingers but too far to get a proper grip. At this rate she would hit the ground before I could catch her; there was only one thing left to do.

They ripped out of my back instantly. With one best of them I was able to grab her, wrapping her in my embrace and not a moment too soon.

My body hit the ground so hard the earth shattered around me. Soon enough, we were surrounded by workers guards. You didn't need rocket science to figure out what happened. None of that concerned me, the only important thing was her.

"Are you okay η καρδιά μου?" I brushed her hair, and she fisted my shirt in response, "you should've let me die."

That stunt was Varda's last straw. He didn't care about what Hades had to say or even the council, he made his decision. Ross would go to back to Qostaria and be looked after by their best healers. The fae had a stronger link to old magic than us so it made sense and truth be told, being away from this hell would do her some good.

I wasn't going with her, neither was Luc. The fae king liked us, but not enough to welcome us to his home just yet and it could ultimately cause a scandal as our relationship wasn't out to the public. It would be eyebrow raising if the lamia king and crown prince of Olympus tagged alone when her legal husband remained behind.

"Are you done packing?" I asked her expecting to be answered with silence but surprisingly she replied, "yes I have everything I need." Silence hung in the air until she walked toward me, stopping only a hairs breath from me. "You have...wings?"

I closed my eyes and opened them, meeting hers which had a hint of curiosity in them. "Yes I do, but I avoid having them out as much as possible."

"Why?" I broke eye contact, I hated it when people saw my wings, let alone talked about them but this was the most shed said to me in a while, "because once upon a time they were beautiful. They were a snowy white but when the mortals who prayed to me started to attack innocents in my name, the blood on their hands stained mine as well. They were sacrificing virgin women and children to me and that dyed my wings the color of blood. Sometimes...the blood would drip from my wings leaving a trail wherever I went."

"No one except my father and sister believed that I had nothing to do with it and they were a constant reminder of the poor souls that had been taken in my name so I started to hide them."

Ross stared at me intently and I couldn't tell if she believed me or not; if she was disgusted by me too. I looked away but her small, warm hand touched my cheek and turned me to face her.

"Ares, my darling Ares...I think your wings are beautiful," and then she kissed me. Her lips were as warm and soft as I remembered. It went from a delicate kiss to hunger in my part. Before I knew what I was doing I had lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist.

I placed her on the bed, and looking up at me is something that made my pants feel tighter than they were. I continued to claim her lips while my hands wandered over every crevice of her body, teasing, memorizing. Soon enough I had reached that sweet spot and when my fingers brushed over her panties she whimpered in my mouth.

I wanted to take my time, to tease her but I couldn't fight the need to hear more of those sounds as soon as possible. My fingers slid over her, making her moan and attempt to close her legs.

"Stop teasing and get on with-" she couldn't finsih her sentence before she cried out. My fingers said inside her, pleasuring her and the sounds that came out of that sweet mouth were driving me close to the edge. I knew she had never done any of this before so I had to ease her into it but I didn't mind. No, not at all.

From her mouth, to her belly, I kissed and nipped every part. I could smell the sweet scent of her arousal, holding her in place, I went down and devoured her like a man starved.

She cried out for me, grabbing onto my hair painfully but I was all for it. My fingers said back into her while my mouth pleased her. She was close, I knew it.

Not a moment later and she tugged at my hair again, crying out in pleasure while her legs shook. I was going to kiss her, make her taste herself on my tongue but there was a knock at the door.

Fucking hell.

Well that was an interesting turn of events.

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The song of this chapter is War Of Hearts by Ruelle
This chapter is dedicated to mubanga3

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