Mother Mother

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Rossiya Moretti Pov

"My, my what is our queen doing so far from home; and here of all places?" The voice echoed all around me, yet there was no feeling of unease on my part. I didn't know where this place was or how I ended up here, but I had a sneaking suspicion she was behind it.
"Who are you?"
I looked back at the gate made of dead trees wound around each other while other absurdly tall trees stretched as far as the eye could see. "If you wish to enter, you have the authority to do so my queen but I advise against it," the voice spoke again.

"Why?" My question was met with a dark chuckle, "because none but the king himself have ever gone in and returned, you might be the queen but you are yet to be crowned; as such the realm may claim ownership of your wandering soul like so many others before you." If I had half a mind, and I was confident I did then now would be a good time to turn back, but something in there kept tugging at me, calling out even.

"Thank you for your warning Mr or Ms disembodied voice, but I would like to see why I've been called here for myself," another chuckle.

"Huh, this one has personality; very well my queen, you may enter." As soon as the words were spoken, the twisted trees sunk into the ground and I walked through the gate. As soon as I crossed the threshold the trees rose again; dense fog up to my knees covered the huge clearing but that was not all.

The place was teeming with hundreds if not thousands is wandering souls. Some looked a lot like what I was used to seeing but the others were....fading? I walked and walked but it seemed like each one of them was oblivious to the existence of the other. I could only imagine the madness and loneliness they felt but it seemed like they were hollow. What the hell was this place?

I blindly kept following the pulling sensation all while trying to peace together why I had been dragged here to begin with, then I saw her. A lady running through the crowd, straight for me. For a split second I went into survival mode but the closer she got, the stronger the pull felt. I forced myself to relax, when she was a few feet away it only took one look at her to see the resemblance.

Golden hair,
Blue eyes like a frozen lake.

The lady stood in front of me now, eyes wide, teary and filled with worry. A forgotten memory flashed through my mind for only a moment as if to confirm what I was thinking. She was holding me up and smiled brightly as she spoke but I couldn't hear anything.

"My sweet Siya, what are you doing here?" She asked in a singsong voice that sounded painfully familiar; I raised a hand and touched her hand that had been resting on my cheek without my knowing. It was her.

"M-mum?" I couldn't hide the ripe emotion in my voice, "mum," I said again, the word feeling so foreign to me but so warm.

"Mum, mum, mum," I said over and over and hot tears flowed down my cheeks. She hugged me, she was so cold but so warm at the same time. I didn't know where all these emotions were coming from but I couldn't help it. I calmed down after a little while but still held on to her like my life depended on it.

"What are you doing here, what is this place?" I asked, she looked around and then back at me, "I don't remember much about how I got here but I do know that this place is known as Amanesa, the valley of the lost. It's a place where souls barred from the underworld are sent to spend an eternity in isolation until they eventually fade away; a sort of prison world if you may."

My heart ached, that meant she was dead and condemned along with all these people, left to their own vices. What kind of person was I getting involved with? "Now tell me sweet Siya, what are you doing here?" She was angry, but worried. "I don't know exactly but I think something brought me here, to you. I'm not dead mother, well technically."

She raised a brow, I see where I got that from. "What do you mean technically?"
I sighed and ended up explaining everything; from the accident to coming back as a Nekromanteia and discovering that I was mated to the God of this place. Needless to say she was pissed, at her brother, at Ellis, at my supposed mate and at me for offering myself up despite my growing feelings for a certain someone.

Of course after her rage fest, she understood that if I didn't go willingly then the council would force me; but still cussed everyone out. Another thing I inherited. I asked her about my father, because of the whole black soldiers and divinity issue as well as curiosity but no dice. My father had wiped clean every memory of him from her mind for her and my protection, however she knew he was alive and that I had his eyes.

We had been talking when sudden vibrations rippled throughout the place, "time to go queen, the realm has caught wind of you," the voice said again. I hugged my mother tightly, "I'm going to get you out of here mum, I promise."

My eyes opened and I was greeted by the familiar cream white ceiling, as well as longing. I wanted more time with her, but I needed to get my affairs in order.

Downstairs it was only Hypnose and I, Thanatos had gone back to the underworld to calm the irate and impatient people of court; so had Varda. For the past year we've been bombarded with requests from both sides; one demanding that the queen be crowned for the sake of the realm and it's king, while the other demanded to meet Varda's long lost daughter. It was the Fae that were too pushy, they wanted to know where I had been all these years and why my existence was kept secret.

The story was that my uncle had fallen for another woman while on earth and had me hidden away to avoid a scandal with his then queen which wouldn't be a surprise. I couldn't be revealed as the daughter of the crown princess who had gone missing because that would cause internal conflict between me and his son, the current crown prince.

As for Luc well, that was a completely different story. He just up and left without so much as an explanation as to why. He didn't contact me or anyone either and to be honest that stung.

I missed him....


Who do you think is this "certain someone"?

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