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"There you go cub." Jaheira finishes wrapping bandages around the Druid's torso after healing her.

The red-haired druidess laughs at the Harper's wit then cups her her right side where her ribs are broken. Three ribs and her back broke, and it wasn't even during. "I'm still older than you."

"Yet who is the one asking me for advice, hm? So respect your elders and I'll respect mine."

"Fair point you've got."

Gwynnistri Eiken, or simply Gwynn or Gwynni; is a Half-High Elf female. As well as an Arch Druid from one of the most taboo Druidic Circles, the Circle of Blood. These Druids' beliefs are heavy on the balance of the unnatural, spiritual, and unnatural order of their world. They were a bit controversial and taboo among most Druidic circles as they practiced necromancy and blood magic. It is said that Blood Druidic healing is one of the most effective due to their intense knowledge of body anatomy. Unfortunately not enough to get the gods-damned parasite out of her head. Left a bloody migraine for a few days after tempting that as she had felt a scar on the back of her head. It was a weak spot so it shouldn't have hurt too much.

From the intense battle with Thorm, she had some more scars and aches. Right now she has three broken ribs and a broken back. The few places on herself she could not heal herself from. Didn't even break them by having fun. Disappointing.

Jaheira offered to help the taller woman dress, but she shook her head in response; "The offer is appreciated, but I'd rather not have everyone goading on me. I can already hear the bard songs about today."

"That much we have in common. Only a few bards and poets ever get it right." Brown eyes roll while the harper remembers a few of them. With her luck, they are the most annoying earworms anyone could hear. Bitter torture. Oh well, looks like her new ally seems to think similar to her. "Stay for a few. I may be able to help you rest easy for the night."

"Jaheira, how could ye be holding out on me? I thought we were getting along?" Gwynn scoffs a playful Cheshire grin.

"Your ears are barely shorter than most female elves. I think you have a bit more elf in you than you think." Jaheira sits the woman back down before going over to the cauldron to brew a potion.

The half-wood elf druid calls on one of the armorers' assistants to come forth to gather and clean the 'Ketheric's Slayer's' armor. Not many Half-Elves had the type of bloodline she had. The armor is nomadic Druid armor, it's very light and versatile. Allowing this Blood Druidess to be up to her full skill. Typical Druid armor, even the ones the Emerald Grove wore, are too heavy for her type of Circle. Thankfully in the vault of the Grove, there was an old Blood Arch Druid's armor. It was part of Halsin's thank you when he allowed the party to take what they needed.

However, it wasn't until meeting Dammon once more that she got to wear it. It was too slim for her, so Dammon collaborated with both Archdruids he met to make it properly. They didn't want to offend anyone, and tall scary women happened to be their type.  They appreciated that she liked the moss green and brown dyes. For the longest time she did not have proper Druidic armor and the one she had traded for back at the Grove made it difficult to bend the elements around or block her blood magic.

Typical Druidic armor was too heavy for her preference. It made it difficult to move steadfastly and swiftly. Blood Druids had the fighting skills of monks. Depending on race and family bloodlines their abilities vary as well as skill. In her case, Astarion and Shadowheart teasingly call her mutt. An accurate depiction she did discover that Ketheric had kept information about her and other Blood Druids. Apparently, she had previously led a Circle at Moonshae Isles. Technically a Half-Elf, but her ears are longer than Shadowheart. While her mother was Moon Elf, her 'father' was something else. Other than Bhaal, the form was of the man she inherited traits from. Including his ancestral bloodline. That man was half Sun Elf with a dwarf parent. Her father was always shorter than her mother, but he had the strength to wrestle Mimics and other large creatures with ease. Wouldn't be surprised if she had some orc in her with how burly her father was

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