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"You look a little worn for wear, Astarion." Halsin looks behind to see Astarion behind.

"Oh I'm sorry- I'm not used to avoiding rodent traps!" Astarion carefully tries to avoid the mouse and rat traps set in the walls.

The little vampire had to be weary of his step as his wings would drag. The crawlspace, if you could call it that in their case- is far too narrow to fly but enough space to crawl and walk for small rodents and pests. Halsin was wildshaped into a barn mouse. Meanwhile, Astarion had his vampire bat form. He's only had it for a little over a moon. Enough blood supply came with some benefits, but it was initially a little unpredictable. But thankfully he has a few Druids that are helping him; even the feisty Harper. Flying was a bitch.

He chuffs in amusement a little. "Well, you could have gone a different way. You're smaller than me even in this form, little vampling."

"And if you got caught in a trap? I'm sure a 7-foot tall, burly Elf coming through the ceiling would be interesting." Astarion hops a little to get closer. Finally, his little legs caught up to him. "I'm taking the window next time."

"Fair point." The Druid chuckles lightly before he asks a question. He was curious what his partner's thoughts were. "I'm not trying to stir things. But I'm curious what your thoughts about certain revelations."

Astarion looks down at Halsin as he's walking on all fours while she's on his two legs. "Are you expecting a certain answer?"

"No, I'm more curious what your thoughts are. You're one of the few members of our party who has more to lose without the parasite."

His curiosity often got the better of him. But they were partners and he has hope that Astarion would see the light of things no matter how bleak they were. Halsin had offered to cure his vampirism back at Moonrise, but he surprised him by turning him down. He didn't want to die again just to come back. Mortal for Elven standards but then what? Those two centuries still left scars and the person he was before doesn't exist anymore. By all right, Astarion should be a monster. Similar to how Gwynnistri should be a stereotypical Bhaalspawn. And yet- they surprised this old Arch Druid. He never thought he'd see compassion from either a vampire spawn or Bhaalspawn by what their reputations said in texts and stories.

Whereas he'd like to believe in the better of people. And Silvanus's grace, selfishly he prayed every day during meditations that their fates do not end dark and horribly. Regardless of whatever may come, he just wants those close to him safe- with or without him. But if he had to, he honestly had no idea if he could stop either if they went down a dark path now. Though he's closer to Gwynnistri, a little vampling had been pulling some strings for a while. Despite his particular charm and antics, Astarion was nice in vampire terms. He was a nice surprise, but they were still learning about each other as lovers/partners.

Astarion takes a few moments to think as in some way it was complicated. But no one has seen what he saw. It haunted him some nights. But he wouldn't let Gwynn fret or worry about it. It just makes her feel worse about what she is.

"I didn't know a lot of what Gortash said. Where some people might be hesitant in her not knowing about her. Gwynnistri had no recognition of him at all, which drove her near obsession. On one side, I'm not at all surprised as she seems ambitious enough to put her mind to anything. I don't find that part shocking, to be honest. Whereas she is trying to be better- I can't say if she doesn't find it tempting. I would be with that power. As would most people if they had that."

He nods at his lover's answer. "Whereas it was surprising to hear of it. I don't feel mad about it. I'm more concerned about after..."

"I couldn't agree more. Poor thing looked horrified. Like I've done things, but I only have a few regrets as it's easier for me that way. I can't really say how much of her situation was situational. Or if it was just her. I do know, the person that pompous cunt talks about is not the same. They're different and I wouldn't doubt he was the final nail in the coffin to bury what dea- our love was before." Referring to Gwynnistri as dear right now was a little sour.

A Bard's Tale of a White Bat, the Scarred Bear, and a Rabid Red FoxWhere stories live. Discover now