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Gwynnistri downs another health potion down their throat. The taste of it soured her throat a little while she gagged. It was so stale at this point from how many health potions they'd taken since Ketheric. Potions, mushrooms, and herbs could only do so much with chronic pain. Maybe later just take a long hot soak with her pipe and bourbon. Her ribs have been doing a little better within the past few days.

"Here you go miss. I made supper with the rabbit I caught. I really like the bow you gave me! I've been practicing every day!" Yenna smiles at her. Giving her a bowl of rabbit stew with some buttered sourdough bread.

It smelled a little homey. Must have learned this recipe from either her mother or Gale. A nice warm and hearty meal. "It's good lass. Ye may be human, but maybe with some practice you'll outshoot some Rangers or Harpers someday." Gwynnistri starts before taking the bowl and spoon.

Enjoying the taste of it washing it down the bitter taste of her 5th health potion of the day. The Bhaalspawn eats what she is given, and it's the only full-course meal for the day for her. Gwynn mostly just snacked and kept herself hydrated. She did not have much of an appetite from slight constipation. A side effect of her back injury unfortunately or possibly an early sign of her menstrual cycle coming. Lately, her back has just been snapping and popping more often now. That was even before Ketheric's death.

The Blood Arch Druidess has not been able to rest at all these past few days. Whether it be from pain, night terrors, or whatever else her tormented mind gave her. It fucking sucked when all three hit her. She mostly solitude herself as much as possible until her mind becomes clear. Struggling back and forth between the urge to kill and her own sanity. The constant need to always maintain control out of fear. Some were bad enough that the first time Astarion woke her from one PTSD night terror some time ago. Her body reacted first as she thought she was relieving some type of torture. It had surprised her at the time as they were just manipulated fuck buddies then. Just one of the few rare moments he had felt guilt about seduction. The spawn switched his tactics to not focusing on sex with her. A similar plan he had if he was going to seduce Karlach. But eventually, Astarion came to terms and admitted to himself he did enjoy that. Surprised himself actually.

That vision has always bothered her ever since the Underdark. Something had stirred some things from taking mushrooms and smoking some really good herb with a bear. Perhaps it just opened up her mind some, but she hated how it was just at the surface of her knowing what it meant.

This vision always started out the same. Everything was all dark with the air filled with the metallic smell of blood. Heavily too as if there had been a fun time. Except it wasn't Gwynnistri doing all the killing if that was the case. She wished it was as it would have made it easier. People with shadowed faces pin her down on some bed. Restraining her limbs tight and forcibly. She tried to fight them off as best as she could. The pain feeling like it is excruciating beyond belief. Ever so real. Feeling how death would be better than whatever the hells that was. Her abilities are blocked by something and she doesn't know what. Voices jumbled together as she screams in agony and rage

Her mind is tormented by the Guardian. The Emperor as it likes to call itself. How she wished to silence it just for simply deceiving her. How dare they! After everything they all did for it! Fuck them. Whether he was responsible for the protection or not, was hard to say. Either way, any interaction with it now is at arm's length. She and the party members didn't trust him.

Orpheus' freedom was questionable; as would it be truly better? It was hard to say with everything that has been flipped. Lae'zel wanted to free her people's prince and spoke of him like some savior. However, she gave her word they would free him if possible. It is still early, and her mind could easily change. As of now, the appointed leader was just glad she refused that parasite the Emperor offered. She's trying to get rid of the ones out of her now. Only has a few abilities and they are helpful... BUT STILL! WHO in their bloody mindset would want to risk the chance. Plus if she had to hear one more word about the Duke...

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