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Today was a little different for the party's leader, she took the day to herself. Only a few people knew that she was coughing up some blood. Jaheira had explained some time ago that her friend who resisted the Urges and Bhaal went through the same thing. However, Gwynnistri's organs have always been messed up since the crash. It's hard to say if it was all that Necromancer cunt's fault or if she got the damage from Bhaal. Reluctantly from her stubbornness, she took the day to relax at camp with Minthara, Lae'zel, and Shadowheart to think about some things.

Her lover had stayed most of the morning before leaving for town. Not entirely sure where or what Astarion was doing, but she was sure a 263-year-old vampire could take care of himself. She quite enjoyed the silence at camp. Other than the occasional Emperor's typical gas lighting. Spent most of the day with either the hyena she named Spot, Scratch, and Oden in camp with Yenna and Grub. The Druid did take the young girl out to enjoy the circus. She had wanted to enjoy it at least once without any possible interruptions. The other companions were investigating the toys' distribution and smoke powder. 

After lunch, Gwynnistri spent the rest of the day by herself with the animals and Yenna in the woods. Teaching the girl how to track and hunt as she was motivated to learn. The young lass is a quick learner and had reflexes just as swift too. The Bhaalspawn smiled proudly when Yenna kept hitting her targets. She managed to get four rabbits today and Scratch fetched them.

Instead of leaving the Druid alone to meditate, Yenna wanted to join her and ask questions. Childish curiosity as knew very little of the woman who took her in. She always seemed exhausted and didn't want to bother her. Everyone else always seemed to be talking with her about something. Yet not many asked how she was doing. The girl was confused as the Half-Elf did a lot for everyone here. Strange. They were the type of questions that Gwynn didn't mind answering. For once she had an answer to them and was excited to answer them.

Around the two redheads was nothing but the stillness of the river bed. The soft natural sounds of water hitting larger boulders and splashing from the animals playing in the water. Spot and Scratch were playing, while the owlbear cub catching fish. The large rock Yenna is on feels cool from the moss covering it. Gwynnistri bought her some new clothes that were lighter in fabric. It has been getting hotter but with occasional cool nights. The Elder Brain possibly was messing with the weather/ or just be one of those years where the weather was just odd. It baffled all the Druids at camp, and it would explain issues with the harvest.

Only the sounds of some crows and the wind were the only other sounds in the background between conversations. It's surprisingly peaceful and tranquil. "So only women are Arch Druids?" The girl asks with her head tilted to the side. She was in a meditating pose with Grub napping on a rock. She did feel a little more relaxed for the past half hour in silence.

"First Druids, but yes. The principle is to honor our deities, Chauntea and Talona. Whereas Silvanus is the Oakfather, Chauntea is the Earth Mother. The two are similar in a way, but Silvanus is the deity of wild nature. Chauntea is more controlled and more of the agriculture. Whereas Talona is the mother of rot and pestilence."

"That sounds like a temperamental goddess?" Yenna quirks up a brow in confusion. She never did understand why people worship and follow the gods of darker principles.

The woman nods. "Aye, she is, lass. But then again, all gods can be. Just as people can be." She starts but uses her magic to explain. Making some sunflowers. Speaking in a tongue that the girl couldn't tell if it was Druidic or her native speech. "One of Chauntea's principles is the preservation of nature. Whereas Talona's is rot. Both goddesses hate each other as it is written and many of their followers hate each other. Yet they are the perfect balance between life & death. The circle was founded to be the balance of nature and Forests and decayed lands only prosper once there is new life. Or how sometimes forests burn so ecosystems can flourish and adapt. It doesn't happen over time, but the cycle happens regardless. All is one, one is all."

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