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I hurried up the stairs of the cabin to use the bathroom. I was ready to break the almighty seal. I think I peed for like five minutes straight and it was the best feeling in the world. Once I was done, I washed my hands and walked back into the open floorplan. Tom was pouring himself a drink on the metal island in the kitchen.

We were the only two people inside. Usually everyone hung out around the bonfire, shooting the shit about nothing in particular. As we got older we realized it was easier to have the cabin be off-limits.

"Have fun dancing?" Tom asked.

"Yeah." I nodded, smirking. "I didn't know Cain was such a good dancer."

"Does that mean I'm replaced as your honorary dance partner?"

"Do you want to be replaced?"

"Do you want to replace me?"

"Hmmm... I don't know. Cain can dance, unlike you and your two left feet.""feet."

"I can dance."

"Having a chick twerk on your dick while you grind behind her is not exactly dancing."

"My grinding has never bothered you before."

"It doesn't bother me now."

"Yet here I am being replaced."

"Oh, well, you know... I have men lining out the door for me."

"That you do." I smiled. "Make me one."

"I think you've had enough."

"Have I? Since when are you the authority on how much I drink?"

Since you threw up on me."


The song "Monster " by Lady gaga had started playing from the speakers, and Tom put his drink down on the island. He smirked in that Tom Kaulitz sort of way, his stunning good looks burned a hole into my chest with each precise, calculated step that brought him closer to me. My best friend was handsome to say the least, he always had been. The older we got, the better looking he became.


"What's with the determined look in your eyes?" He didn't answer my question, instead he grabbed my hand and twirled me toward him. An unexpected gasp escaped my lips when he held me firm against his solid, muscular chest. Slowly, he began slow dancing with me.

"What girl are we putting on a show for right now?"

"No show."


"I'm just dancing with my best friend." His eyes never wavered from mine when I asked, "Meet any hot girls tonight?"

"Yeah. I'm dancing with her." He replied.

"You didn't just meet me, so my hotness doesn't count."

"You're the hottest girl here."

"Just what every girl wants to hear," I sarcastically replied. "She's hot." There was no hesitation in his response, "You're beautiful, Jojo."

I could feel my cheeks getting flushed. "Thanks."

"I'm only speaking the truth."

My eyes widened, surprised where this conversation had turned. "Are you drunk?"

"A little bit."

"Okay," I chuckled as he twirled me in a slow circle. "Buzzed Tom is wasting all his great pick-up lines on the wrong girl."
He settled me back into his arms, holding me closer to his torso. "What if you're the right girl?"

"Tom, what do you—" Tom leaned forward before Ashton came threw.

"There you two are!" Ashton barged through the double glass doors from the porch and we pulled away from one another.

What just happened?

It was obvious Ashton was drunk as shit. "What are you guys doing up here all by your lonesome?"

"None of your business, jackass."

"None of my business?" he scoffed out at Tom, pointing at me. "Wanna have a threesome with us or go play truth or dare?"

"I mean when you put it that way." Putting on my best allure, I seductively strode over to him and gripped onto the front of his shirt. "How about you get naked first? And I'll follow your lead."

"I feel like you're playing with my emotions and I'm very torn on what to do."

I leaned in close to his mouth, rasping, "You are too..."

"Handsome, attractive, everything you ever wanted?"

"Nope. You're too—"

"Sexy, mouthwatering, hot as shi—"


"And there goes my hard on." Ashton gestured toward the door. "Let's go play my game, you dirty, dirty cock tease."

Tom hid back a smile, shaking his head while we followed Ashton back down to the party.

"I found them!" he announced to a couple of people that were sitting around the fire, waiting for us. "We can start now! Johanna's first!"


"Yes," he adamantly responded. "Truth or dare, Johanna."

Before I answered, I made my way toward the swing Tom made for me and sat down with a new drink Sawyer gave me in my hand, anticipating what was to come. Who knew when Ashton was involved. He was definitely the prankster of the group. The one that was the most amusing to watch and listen to. Ashton had no filter, said and did what he wanted without thinking of the consequences. He was a goofball, but it worked for him.

Case and point, a random blonde with huge tits was hanging off his neck, ready to play his game.
Lifting my drink in the air, I chose, "Dare."

I don't know if it was the booze or the dare he was about to hand me, but his eyes glistened, big and bright, sparkling under the stars. For a second, I saw nothing but mischief run through his stare.

"Tom! Tom Kaulitz!" Ashton signaled toward him, making me realize he was standing behind me. "My best and dearest friend!"

"Hey!" I declared. "It's my turn. Why are you talking to Tom?"

"Because my lovely, lovely Jojo..." Ashton never called me by Tom's nickname, and my heart started to hammer against my chest. Something was up, it was as if I knew what he was about to request.

"I dare you..."

Although, I was still almost knocked on my ass when Ashton challenged, "To make out with Tom."

I laughed, I couldn't help it. "What are we twelve? I was expecting you to dare me to streak or flash you my tits, not to kiss my best friend."

"I think I speak for everyone here who wants to finally see you guys do something. I mean Jesus... give the people what they have been waiting for! Your friendship makes no sense. You claim to be just best friends, then prove it! Kiss him."


Tom chimed in, "Fuck off! We're just best friends. It'd be like kissing my sister, and nobody wants to see that."

His sister? Really?

"Johanna,what do you say to that?"

Despite Ashton talking to me, my gaze never left Tom's. "I say he's right. It'd be like kissing my brother and nobody wants to see that."

"Fine, then I'm double-dog dare you to kiss someone who isn't like your brother."

I arched an eyebrow, curious of where he was going with this.

"Cain Foronto," Ashton called out. "Batter up, buddy!"

My eyes went wide.

"Johanna, I now double-dog dare you to make out"
Cain and I locked eyes.

"It's just a kiss, I don't see the big deal."

"You're actually gonna take this dare? You're gonna kiss Cain?"

My eyes shot to Tom's, question in his inquisitive stare went from me, to Cain, back to me again before Cain started walking toward me.

So this was going to happen?

Right here, right now, Cain and I were going to kiss.

Did I want to kiss Cain? Yes. No. Maybe?

With each step that brought him closer to my mouth, the more I felt Tom tense from behind me.

I guess this was it. This was the moment I'd make out with one of Tom's best friends. It was bound to happen, I just never thought it'd be quite like this.

Why did I feel like I was suddenly committing a crime?

It was just a stupid game. Stop analyzing everything, Johanna.

I blinked, and it was three, two, one... Cain was hovering above my body.

I licked my lips, anxious, confused, willing? Cain grinned. "Getting them ready for me?" I nervously chuckled again.
I felt like I was going to throw up. Why did I feel sick? Why did this feel so wrong? What the hell was going on?

He squatted down to the grass, sitting on the balls of his feet in front of me. We were paralleled now, face to face, and in one quick movement, Cain gripped onto the back of my neck and tugged me toward him. I closed my eyes. I had to.

The scent of him assaulted my senses, his breath blew against my lips and the second I almost felt his mouth on mine, I heard a voice I didn't recognize scream, "Oh fuck!"

My eyes snapped open at the exact moment that Tom tumbled into Cain, accidentally knocking him into the fire pit.

"Oh my God!" I yelled, watching in horror as Cain's arm lit up with flames.

The guys dashed into action as Cain threw off his leather jacket, hurling it onto the ground to stomp out the flames.

"Fuck, man! I'm so sorry!" the stranger apologized. "I slipped and fell into Tom. Shit! Are you okay?" With wide eyes, Cain nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Let me see." Sawyer grabbed his arm, thankfully the leather jacket had saved his skin from instantly catching on fire. His arm was red but unharmed. "Bro, I'm so sorry," Tom apologized too. "I didn't see him until it was too late."

Cain stepped back, nodding again. "Yeah, man, I know. I'm all right." No one said anything until Ashton broke the awkward silence. Placing his arm around Cain's neck, he yanked him to the side of his body. "Dude, you're like Iron Man. Ladies! Who wants to tend to my boy's wounds? I nominate you, and you, and you." He pointed to three different chicks who didn't hesitate, grabbing ahold of Cain and taking him back inside like a wounded soldier.

"Make sure to play with his balls!" Ashton shouted behind them. "Girls always forget about the balls! They're just as important!"

Tom's gaze connected with mine as I lifted my red solo cup in the air between us. "I guess I'll just make out with this margarita." Ashton shrugged. "We can still play the game."

"I think that's enough truth or dare for tonight." I took a sip of my margarita. "We don't need anyone else catching on fire."

Once I was done drinking, Tom grabbed the cup out of my hand and took a long swig. "It kind of saved you."

"How so?"

"I know when you want to kiss someone, Johanna, and you did not want to kiss Cain." Tom backed away and left.

I spent the rest of the night thinking about what he said, and I wasn't referring to Cain.

"What if you're the right girl?"

What did he mean by that?

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