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"I've never broken the law before," I went on. "I swear it! My cousin once stole lipstick from the Piggly Wiggly Mart and I went back and paid for it. In fifth grade, my teacher accidentally gave me an A on the spelling test but when I looked through my answers, I saw that one was marked right when it was wrong, and I went right to her desk to tell her. I have a ton of situations where I have done the right thing, I'm as honest as they come, I promise."
"Hey, Poopy Pants, why don't you quit while you're ahead?"
I couldn't control my nervousness and my belly grumbled, aching. At least I think it was...
"Since we're not entirely sure what end that came out of," Tom countered, standing in front of me. Shielding my body with his. "Allow me to take over." He looked at the officer. "What my turd burglar best friend is trying to say is she's leaving Germany tomorrow to move to the Virgin Islands. My plan was to show her all our exciting firsts together. Four years ago, we went to that lake to open our college acceptance letters. We didn't know the lake was now boarded up, but since it was already part of my plan, I told her to break and enter with me."
I didn't know whether to smile or cry. He was actually taking the fall for me.
"I didn't know it would lead to her losing control of her bowels, kind of like she is right now with her mouth. The bathroom door was locked, and despite me telling her to just go in the lake, she refused and turned into a karate kid, busting open the door."
I bowed my head. I was so ashamed. Damn you stomach, damn you.
"I will pay for the fines, it wasn't her fault. It was all my idea. I take full responsibility." I profoundly sighed, I couldn't allow him to take all the fall. Stepping to the side of him, I grabbed his hand in mine.

"Officer, I'm a grown adult and I chose to break the law with him. I stand by my decision and I will go peacefully to jail. But first, can I please use the restroom?" The officer gazed back and forth between us until he finally stated why he was there, "You're illegally parked."
My mouth dropped open. "You mean we're not going to jail? I just told you all that for nothing?"
"Not for nothing. Now I know if I ever pull you over or arrest you, I should probably make sure there is a bathroom nearby."

"Oh, so the officer has jokes too?"
"Would you rather I arrest you then?"
"Ummm, no thank you, sir. I'll take your jokes."
He nodded toward Tom. "Make sure to move your truck and find her a bathroom." Tom chuckled, "Will do."
The officer excused himself and off he went. As soon as he drove away, we started laughing hysterically.
"You won't be experiencing anything like this in the Virgin Islands."
"You're right about that."
Still giggling, I threw my arms around his neck.
"What's this for?"
"I'm going to miss you so much." He hugged me back. "I'm going to miss you so much too."
"Thank you."
"For making it hard to leave home but giving me something to come back to. For being the best, and willing to take full responsibility for me, even if it meant you going to jail. You're the best friend a girl could ever ask for."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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