Chp. 62

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My eyes shot open at the sun glaring through the window, immediately waking me up as I turned over and felt Karina's naked body next to mine. This honestly never got old, and I had a feeling waking up to her never would.

But I would miss it when we got back home.

I ran my hand over her smooth back, attempting to gently wake her up so we could get our day started. Her skin felt so good against my hand, and whenever she turned over and looked up at me my heart throbbed against my chest.

I mumbled, "Morning."

She smiled, showing me those adorable dimples I couldn't help but fall for as she stretched lightly, "Morning."

She faced me, neither one of us moving to get up. I didn't really want to because I could literally do this all day with her, just lie in bed and talk, but we had things to do.

I whispered softly, "Waking up to you is the best feeling in the world."

She seemed shocked because compliments and sappy romantic things like that never really came out of my mouth, but here I was being all sappy and romantic this morning. She smiled even wider this time, which made my chest heat up in response, "You're being awfully romantic early this morning."

I scooted closer to her, bringing our bodies together as I responded, "I'm trying something new, so don't judge me."

She shook her head, "When have I ever judged you?"

I watched her silently, wondering how I had gotten so lucky to where someone like Karina would somehow find feelings for someone like me. In all honesty it made no sense to me because I knew she could have anyone she wanted, but instead something inside her chose me. I was trouble, I was nineteen, Jungwoo's sister, and when she met me I was a bit of a whore considering my circumstance.

I would never understand it but maybe I didn't need to, and maybe just letting it be was the best thing to do.

I still hadn't said anything, but to my surprise Karina wasn't probing my brain like she usually did. She was just letting me be in my own little world and get lost in my thoughts, which I was grateful for because I didn't want to seem insecure if she asked me what I was thinking about.

Even though it was Karina I still hated to seem weak and insecure in front of her, even though she knew all of my flaws.

She whispered, "We should go shower."

I watched her, smirking, "Together?"

She nodded, "Unless you want your alone time?"

I shook my head, "I'll get plenty of alone time whenever we go back home... besides, how can I pass up showering with my hot history teacher?"

She shook her head, grimacing slightly, "I hate the fact that you're my student."

I laughed a little at her sensitivity to me teasing her, "Karina, just a few more months until I graduate and it'll all be behind us."

She giggled, "You mean if you graduate."

I shoved her chest lightly, "Shut up, I'm gonna graduate."

She kissed my forehead and nodded, "I know," then she lifted herself out of bed and started walking to the shower. She asked, "Are you coming?"

I nodded, "Of course."


We all sat in the rental car, Jungwoo taking his place in the driver's seat while the rest of us were along for the ride. I was super excited to be spending the entire day at the beach, and luckily it was only about thirty minutes away from where we were staying.

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