Fancy dinners and attractive lawyers

41 4 18

***Please read the authors note at the end of the chapter! thanks!***


"Mark, Avery, come in here. We have big news!" My dad says.

We go in and sit down.

"As of today, both of you own my multi billion dollar company."


I stand in shock. This can not be happening.

"Dad, you have made millions from this company! Why are you giving it to us? I'm only 18 for God's sake!"

Dad laughs, "you see, honey, this business works differently than your social studies teachers have explained. You must take risks in this world. Sometimes, the only way to be successful is to put everything on the line. When you were 12, you kept telling me you wanted to work along side me. I thought this would just be a phase, but when I saw the electoriaals you picked for freshman year, I knew you were serious. In that year, I wrote a contract that would benefit both of us for the rest of our lives. I spoke to Mark, since he was going to college that year, and he agreed to change his major. The contract states that both of you take partial ownership of the company. Each of you start out at 25% ownership. I have an entire half of the company while this is in effect. You get paid for each deal. This is only the first stage, though. I will teach you everything you need to know. The ownership for each of you will gradually increase, while mine will decrease. After I sign off that you know my company, you each will take half ownership. Each of you must sign off at the bottom of every paper." He gave us each a stack of hundreds of documents.

"Are these enough legal documents," I sarcastically inquire with disbelief evident in my voice.

"Of course not! You both will have a net worth of 500 million dollars by the time you take over the entire company. You both will be billionaires by Christmas."

I stood in disbelief. I will be a billionaire.

I have to sit down. This is a lot to take in.

One. Billion. Dollars.

What could someone do with all that money?

All the shopping I could do wouldn't even amount to one million dollars.

Charity? No, a lot of it is corrupt these days. Well, I could always start my own charity... Yes that seems like a great idea.

Why am I talking to myself?

I glance at Mark, he doesn't seem shocked one bit.

"Mark, come into the ballroom with me for a minute," I grab his arm and forcefully drag him into the room, "how are you not in a state of disbelief?"

"I have known for years now," he says and looks down at his phone.

"And you never told me, why?"

"You were young. Plus, you partied every night and I only saw you stumbling through the door at 2AM, drunk. I tried to communicate with you when you were sober, but you were too caught up in drama at the time." I remember those times. It was your typical teenage rebellious phase. I hated school, I just wanted to escape it all. I found this by giving in to all the pressure from my peers.

I have grown tremendously since those months. I have gotten a job, focused on sports and school, and even done some work at the local animal shelter (no kill, of course).

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