#2: We'll be together forever, won't we?

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 Such a glorious day outside. One that should be spent with friends and family.


 Frisk sits up from the flower bed, looking to see their partner. Chara spits out the leftovers of some black goo and a few flower petals, their face scrunched in disgust.

"Does this happen every time you're here," Frisk scoffs. They mostly meant it as an insult, but they were admittedly a bit curious.

"No, just uh. . .  just a stomach bug," Chara gives Frisk a cheesy looking smile.

". . . but you're a ghost," Frisk stands, unamused.

"Well I don't know how this works! For all we know, I could be in a state like Napstablook."

"That is a valid point, I'll give you that."

"Thanks partner." The 'ghost' rolls their eyes a little.

 Something about Chara's way of saying 'partner' made Frisk feel. . . nervous? No, wrong. They were excited, correct? Maybe that argument didn't do as much damage as they thought. That's good, that means Chara will most likely help them again. Hopefully.

 Making their way forward, the mood seems lighter. Their lungs aren't filled with dust. They'll keep that in mind for future Resets, in case they get sick of the clouded air.

And then Flowey shows up to ruin everything. Instantly, Frisk gets annoyed, even before he speaks.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!"

They stare at him blankly, even as chara gazes curiously at them.

"Say. You're new to the underground, aren't ya?" He gives them a 'charming' wink, "you must be so confused."

And that was apparently the last straw for Frisk, as suddenly Flowey is no longer in the ground, but rather in their hands. His stem being crushed between their clenched fists.

"Woah! Hey! Partner, what are you doing?!" Chara floats in front of them, hands cupping Frisk's own.

"Gah- Let go of me you filthy human!" He hisses at them, only fueling their fire.

But. . . their partner seems to snuff it faster.

"Hey hey hey. I get you're angry. You have every right to be. But this isn't the way to cope with it." 

The ghost locks eyes with their host, warmth radiating from them. 

"How about you let him go aaand. . we get out of here and find you something better?"

They take a few moments to think it out. On one hand, revenge. But on the other, a happy partner.

". . ."

They huff, reluctantly dropping the flower into his hole.

"I'm getting out of here you sicko!"

He tunnels under just as a fireball flies over him, surprising the two children.

"Oh you poor, innocent child, being tortured by such a horrid creature."

Toriel steps in, as she normally would.

"Here, let me help you."

She holds out a hand.

Frisk takes a few seconds, then grabs the offered paw. As Toriel leads them off, Chara speaks up.

"Frisk. . . Thank you, for what you did back there. You didn't have to listen to me. But you did. So thanks." They look at each other, the spirit smiling.

"Uh- It- It was nothing. Would've just been a waste of time to kill him anyways. . ." They decide a wall is the most interesting thing at the moment.

Their partner giggles. "Of course, that's why you did it."

But Frisk is stunned. Not by Chara's words, or by anything happening. No. It was simply the laugh that caught their attention. It was so. . . attractive.

They wanted to make Chara laugh more often, even to their own embarrassment.




Maybe having a partner wouldn't be so bad.

(So. Here's the chapter I've been procrastinating for over a year on. But late is better than never, aye? An apology is long overdue. But I will be posting more often. As much as I literally can, that is. I dunno if that'll be once a week, or even biweekly. But we'll find out together, won't we?)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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