One shot? (Underswap)

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This was totally not an unfinished story, not at all...

The Peacenik and The Poltergeist

     Why'd it have to be that pacifistic dork? I first laid eyes upon her pale ivory skin and copper shimmer hair in the late spring of 210X, a time where children's laughter is commonly heard from the top of Mt. Ebott. The summer breeze had just made its entrance when the poor girl had fallen down the deep hole into what is known as the underground, where all of the monsters have been locked away. Now it was the start of autumn, and the temperature has shown as much. The girl who fell underground, which I later found out her name was Chara, had stayed with my adoptive father, Asgore, for some time now. Asgore is a very tall and broad monster, with a goat like appearance. Despite his looks, he is very gentle and kind.

     Speaking of Asgore, he walks in silently, making sure to not wake up Chara. His golden beard wisps gracefully from the wind of movement. He walked swiftly across the floor, with a few boards protesting from the heavyweight. His robe glides across the room, the iris fabric flowing like water. Asgore gently leans down to set a plate and thermostat on the ground, a soft thud emanating from it. His eyes hastened to Chara's sleeping form, warmth and parenthood emitting from the chilli red orbs. Asgore's large form stood up and padded to the bed, his feet masterfully placed as to not produce a sound. His rather large hands slowly inched towards the teenager, seeming to hesitate. They finally made it to the intended target, grabbing the throw covering the rather petit child and tucking her into a better sleep, or it was supposed to. Asgore proceeded to exit the room, looking in as he shut the door, leaving me alone.

     Chara learned the layout of the run down place we call the Ruins, fairly quickly as well. She had eventually pacified all the inhabitants of the Ruins, who had attacked her upon first sight. Now the fallen pacifist is napping on the old guest bed in Asgore's house, the bed itself consisting of a hard mattress that has seen a few years pass and a few blankets of bright colors. The faint smell of sugary syrup and pancakes still lingers from breakfast this morning. The room contains the bed, a wardrobe, and a box of old toys. Well, it does have another thing hiding in it, but as I look over, my heart races and my face flushes. I can't handle her sleeping face, with her eyes shut softly, fluttering occasionally, and her mouth ajar. The natural flamingo pink blush on Chara's face only made her cuter, and would exacerbate my feelings towards her. Her hair was very messy from the earlier morning hours, as she did not brush her hair. Looking at myself, I am much more well kept. Though being a ghost, physical interactions have no affect on me. My skin is fairly darker than that of Chara's, with its band coloring, and has freckles spattered everywhere, though it is mainly centered on my cheekbones and nose bridge. Her hair looks of honey in the sunlight, as mine looks like brown sugar.

     Suddenly, a sharp exhale reverberates throughout the room, and I swiftly look at Chara. She was violently twitching, and occasionally her back would arc. She was drenched in sweat as if she had just run a marathon. Her breath was very shaky and sharp, inaudible sounds escaping her throat. The lovely pale face of hers had completely flushed out, almost to a sickly pale. Saliva ran down the side of her face, the clear foam dripping onto the bedding. Her eyes would flutter rapidly, and tears poured out. A choked sob escaped, then another. Shortly, all that was left of Chara was a sobbing mess, and she wasn't even awake yet. I feel something warm run down my face, and as I touch it, blur my vision.

"Why... am I crying?"

     I shuffle to Chara and lightly touch her. "C'mon, stop crying you big baby." As soon as my hand made contact with her, she flinched away. Startled with the sudden movement, I recoil from her. Chara gasps awake, her vermillion eyes widening as she shoots up from the bed. She curls up a bit, trying to calm herself down. I hesitantly place a hand on her back, earning a quick shift of her head to face me. I stare into her eyes, the softness of her personality was completely overrun with terror and disgust. The gentle orbs of the pacifistic child slowly returned to their original size, leaving Chara sniffling and coughing. I lightly pull her towards me and wrap my arms around her, and she submits to the action.

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