Chapter 1

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     He strikes once more.  Frisk's HP lowers to zero, but not before stabbing straight through Chara's chest.  Two buttons appear, one saying 'Continue', the other 'Reset'.  Frisk's hand reaches for the Continue, but falters.  She thinks back to how happy Chara had been to see Toriel again, but was utterly crushed when Frisk returned Toriel's 'test'.  Remembering their face made Frisk's Soul hurt a little.  She didn't know this feeling now, but she was destined to find out.

     Chara, panting, Huff's out, "how did you not break a sweat!".  Frisk replies in her usual way, "I used your energy in the Right.".  Chara mutters, "finding out you're using me now?  Great, I'm your battery!".  Chara faces away, all of the painful memories returning, gaining a headache.  Chara wondered how they fell in love with such a murderous person, much less one who's emotionless so they could never return it.

     Quickly turning from silent sobbing to a coughing fit, Chara tried their best to stay quiet.  Clearly unsuccessful, Frisk asks, "are you sick," rather than, "are you okay?".  Chara sputters out, "n-no but... yes I am"
     "Do you have any idea what it is," Frisk prodded.  Chara had thought for a moment, then said, "I have an idea, yes, but I don't have enough evidence to prove it.  What're your favorite flowers?"  Frisk, obviously confused, replied, "sudden question, it's Buttercups because of their poisonous value, why?"

     Chara blurts out, "n-nothing, it's just that during the entire time we've been together, I've known nothing about you!".  Frisk thinks back, finding it true.  She had only told Chara her name and, right now, her favorite flower.

     Meanwhile, Chara was internally freaking out that if they had what they thought, they would be in a lot of trouble.  A painful cough came up their throat.  When it went out, Chara covered their mouth and caught something.  They moved their hands and saw a bright yellow petal sprinkled with red, blood.

     Then they heard a click.  Frisk had decided.  Everything went white, then gained color.  They were both standing on a bed of bright yellow flowers.  Chara sputters.

     Frisk explained, "I want to try a Pacifist Run this time.".  Chara was overwhelmed with emotions; love, sadness, joy, pain; that they had started crying.  Frisk feels a twitch in her hand.  She was really thinking about getting checked out by Dr. Alphys as soon as she can.

     With that in mind, Frisk walks off, the sooner the better.  She could feel Chara being dragged behind her.  While traveling to the next chamber, Frisk was wondering as to why her body reacts to Chara's emotions.  Were they trying to control her body... no.  The Chara she knew wouldn't do such things.

     Though they never did tell her about the other fallen children, or themselves.  Not why they had fell, or why they and Asriel had died.  Not even their favorite food at the very least.  She decided to ask them a question.

(Oh poor Frisk,Alphys isn't the only one who will be checking you out.  Yeah it's a cliff hanger on the first chapter, sorry!  If you wish to comment creative criticism, I will be more than happy to read and speak about it.  One thing I will not tolerate though, is insults and bullying.  With that I would like to wish you a good night or day, wherever you live!)

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