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THE AIR OF WINTER WAS finally beginning to cool the Cod Empire, the warmth of the swamp giving way to a cutting chill; it was nothing compared to the cold of Vulpesterra, but Atticus was still thankful for the long sleeves that covered his arms. The fabric chased the goosebumps away as Atticus crossed the border into the Cod Empire.

A guard nodded to him in greeting. Atticus vaguely recognized her but was unable to put a name to her face. He was sure she was the same guard that greeted him the first time he'd stepped foot into the Cod Empire. "Foxling," she said. "If you're looking for the Codfather, he's at the border beside Mythland."

Atticus frowned, glancing in the direction of the dark forest. He had arrived to gather some blue orchids with only a hope of seeing the Codfather but understood there was no guarantee when they hadn't agreed to meet up that day. But if he was being pointed in the direction of the Codfather—and the guard had a look of concern as she told him—then maybe it was best for Atticus to find him.

Atticus nodded to her in thanks and walked in the direction of the border. He picked up his pace when he noticed a group of people standing at the line between Mythland and the Cod Empire; he could see the Codfather's back, and in front of him stood Sausage, fWhip, and Gem. If it had just been Sausage, perhaps Atticus would have hung back for a moment to let the Codfather handle the situation. But with the entirety of the Wither Rose Alliance standing against him, Atticus knew it was time for the alliance to come into play.

"—it back!" the Codfather exclaimed, hands clenched into fists at his side.

"Okay, we can do this nicely," Gem assured, putting her hands up as a sign of peace. "Codfather, Sausage has a point about being paid back. But Sausage—"

"You can't seriously think Sausage has done wrong here, Gem," fWhip said dryly. He eyed Atticus wearily when the younger stepped up to the Codfather's side silently.

"You okay?" Atticus asked the Codfather, giving him his full attention. The Codfather jumped at his sudden arrival, staring at Atticus for a moment before his expression softened. "What's going on?" Atticus kept his tone low, though, with the other three so close, it was useless to try to hide what he was saying. He'd stopped the arguing for a moment, at least.

"I'm fine," the Codfather said, turning a glare onto Sausage. "He's just stolen my favorite music disc and is refusing to give it back. Won't even admit that he had to break into my house to get it!" Atticus frowned, glancing at Sausage; though a fight over a music disc seemed silly to Atticus, the Codfather was right that Sausage would have to go digging through personal belongings to get it.

"Not much of a house. More like a shack," Sausage mocked, eyes bright. "Besides, you stole from me first! Those enchanting books weren't free, you know."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐒. empires smp (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now