The first challenge

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In Nayas room Tati comes in yelling.
"Bitch get packing we going to Camp Wawanakwa!" Naya looks at Tati "Camp fuckawanka??" Naya questioned while smiling. Tati looked at her and smiles "No Wawanakwa dummy" Tati stated shaking her head and laughing a bit.

Time skip..

The two girls eventually get packed and go onto the yacht that was going to take them to the island. "Ayo look its camp fuckawanka!" Naya says while pointing it out to Tati as the girls make it to the island the hear a man talking.

"Andddd here's Tatiana and Naya" Chris announced to everyone." The girls wave at everyone, Chris comes over and helps Naya off the yacht. "Thanks." Naya says while blushing a little bit. Chris reaches out and helps Tatiana off the yacht too. "Thanks Chris!" Tati says happily.

After the girls got their stuff off the yacht Tati mentions to Chris "Hey Chris did you get my information file and accommodation list?" Tati questioned a bit nervously.

Chris nods "Yeahh man I have everything taken care of for you, you'll be fine." Tati breathes out relieved. "Alright thanks!" She says. And then her and Naya walk over to meet everyone. Tati notices a guy with a green mohawk grabbing a short guys lip.

Tati nudges Naya and points at the scene. "Um Naya look at Duncan.." Tati had got Nayas attention. "Damn that look like it hurt and where'd he get that needle from anyways?" Naya questioned surprised.

Tati got nervous at what Naya said. "Naya you gotta help Noah before Duncan hurts him." Tati pushed Naya to the scene that was happening. Naya being pushed gaining both boys attention.

"Duncan why you gotta grab that man's lip like that? Let him go" Naya questioned him raising a eyebrow causing Duncan to let Noah go. "Thanks Naya.." Noah says really thankful and then walks away from them.

Chris announces "Okay first things first we need a group photo for the promos everyone to the end of the dock." Chris at waved everyone to the end of the dock and we all posed only for the camera not to take causing everyone to complain.

Naya notices how unsafe the dock feels. And then she says "Man this bitch going to break." Right after Naya said it the dock broke as Chris took the photo. Everyone got annoyed while Naya and Tati laughed a bit."Okay guys dry off and meet at the camp in 10. Tati looks at Naya "You just had to say it Naya didn't you." Tati says while rolling her eyes.

"It's not like I made it break." Naya says while shrugging while taking a towel out from her things while Tati does the same. "Okay let's go before were going to be late." Naya says as they walked to Chris saying names.

"Oh Naya and Tati your on the Screaming Gophers" Chris pointed out making the two girls jump. "Screaming Gophers my ass.." Naya mugged Tati agreeing with her "That's exactly what I said!" Gwen had popped in the conversation.

"I have a deep feeling us three will be friends." Gwen pointed out to the two girls while smiling. "Oh for sure." Tati says while smiling. And then gained their attention back to Chris.

"Okay the rest of you Jeff, Bridget ,Tyler, sadie, izzy, Courtney,Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva and Harold move move..." Chris says gesturing them in the other direction.

"But Katie's a Gopher!!" Sadie says complaining leaving Tati shocked. Tati leans close to Naya. "Hopefully that isn't how people see us." She whispered to Naya "What's that suppose to mean we're together remember including we don't act like that." Naya whispers back to her.

"I know but what if people see that were close like how they are and assume shit.." Tati says a bit nervous "we will let them assume then cuz we know the truth." Naya huffed slightly mad. " and if they do assume I'll end it not having it now let's see what Chris has to say" Naya said ending that conversation. Tati nods understandingly.

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