The talent show

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"Last time on Total drama Island...the Killer Bass finally dodged their pathetic loosing streak against the Screaming Gophers. There were bruises, tears, risky moves, dangerous alliances, and couple drama. But in the end it was Noah the know it all who didn't see it coming."

Chris said to the camera beaming while showing the clips from the last chapter. "Who will sink and who will stay afloat? Will the friendship between DJ and Duncan end, because of their crushes on the sweetheart Tati? Find out right now on Total Drama Island!!" Chris exclaims before pointing at the camera.

"Okay this is so beyond bad I'm out of fake suntan!!" Lindsay was complaining causing Gwen and Naya to wake up. But Naya stayed in bed trying to go back to sleep. "To make my morning better i'ma watch last episode and laugh at everyone getting hit.." Gwen grumbled grabbing her phone.

Naya had gave up and slid from the bed gaining Gwen's attention. "Care to join?. " Gwen smirked at Naya she nodded and got in the bed to also watch to show how fucked up everyone got.

Time skip to end of video

"I wonder what is going to happen next Because Duncan made Tati upset by flirting with Courtney. Will he fully get that trust back or will DJ steal Tati away? We can only find out on the next episode." Chris says while showing the scene of Tati getting upset at Duncan. And then shows a clip of DJ looking at Tati a bit worried.

"Poor Tati- Well anyways this has been Total Drama Island!" Chris says pointing at the camera before it shuts off. "I'ma beat his ass!" Naya said pissed. She gets up stomping to find Chris and sees him on a stage.

"Darling h-" Chris was cut off when he saw her face she then threw what was in her hand which was her phone at him. "You bitch!!" She yelled causing him to look confused. "Darling what's wrong?" He asked walking near her. "Do not call me darling or take a step near me." She snapped causing him to stop.

"I told you about the Tati topic once why must i say it again to you Chris you violated Tati's privacy how could you?" Naya said to Chris pissed and he went to talk but nothing came out and he looked down.

"Why do I even bother clearly tge first time didn't help." Naya scoffed walking away only to be stop by Chris grabbing her hand. "I'm sorry.." Chris said. "Chris please let go." Naya sighed when he let go walking back to the cabin seeing all the girls up including Tati. Before she could speak the speaker went off.

"Alright campers enough beauty sleep time to show us what you're made of!" Chris exclaims from the speaker. Everyone started to make their ways to the stage where Chris is waiting for them.

"Are we going to see a musical? I love musicals. Especially the ones with singing and dancing!" Lindsay says happily. "What fucking musical?" Naya asked confused. "Uh Naya I think Lindsay is assuming because there is a stage we're gonna see a musical." Tati explains.

"Also I like musicals too Lindsay!" Tati says smiling at her, and Lindsay smiles back. Trent looks around and sees Gwen heading his way. "Hey Gwen I saved you a seat!" Trent calls out to her happily. "Thanks!" Gwen says happily. After she says that Heather gives them a side eye.

Tyler and Lindsay were flirting with eachother blowing kisses and being adorable. Tati looks at them and smiles. "They are cute. " Tati says to Naya. "I know right but can we just take a look at Trent and Gwen!" Naya points at the two people smiling.

"They are cute too!!" Tati says happily kinda wanting Duncan or DJ to do that with her. Heather gets annoyed and rolls her eyes at Tyler and Lindsay. "Someone shoved a stick up her ass." Tati whispered to Naya. "For real!" Naya whispered back causing them to laugh quietly. Before getting interrupted by Chris.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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