The awake-a-thon

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"And this has been Total Drama Island!" Chris says pointing at the camera before the it shuts off.

Naya and Tati had watched the clips and noticed what Chris had said about Tati and the boys making Tati embarrassed and Naya slightly annoyed. "Well night Tati ima go take a walk." Naya walked out the cabin in search of Chris, when she found him she walked up to him.

"CHRIS!" She called out to the man. "Naya-" Chris says surprised the girl then got in his face finger pointed to him. "How dare you say what you said about my friend Tati!!" Naya dumped on him causing him to frown. "Oh I'm sorry Naya I'll apologize to Tati and tell everyone it was a joke in the morning." Chris said "You better good night!!" Naya huffed walking away to go to bed.

Time skip to morning..

Chris walked to the houses and blown a horn into a microphone "OW- its seven in the morning." LeShawna's yelling causing Tati to cover her ears while yelling out for it to shut off because of her sensory issues and then she cuddles deeper into her bed.

"Do I look like a farmer to you?!" LeShawna yelled more causing Naya to wake up confused. "Why the fuck she yelling?" They all got dressed and went outside. Naya had the most annoyed face ever.

"Morning hope you slept well and I apologize Tati for the joke I made." he said and Tati nodded in a way that he'd know that she forgives him. "HI Chris you look Buff in them shorts~" Heather says flirting with Chris. "Did this cabin of a bitch just flirted with Chris?!" Naya said with a 'this bitch' face. "Yeah that cabin of a  bitch did." Tati says crossing her arms and glared at Heather.

But they ended the chat to listen to Chris. "I know." He had winked but it wasn't directed to Heather it was to Naya. "I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute!" He says beaming.

"Excuse me I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast-" Owen said causing Chris to smirk. "Oh you'll get breakfast after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake!" He said beaming again. "Oh so your funny now, you know what I think would be funny."

Eva got in Chris face about to punch Chris. "Eva try to control your temper." Courtney said to Eva  "Ooooo Eva going on a ramp page beat his ass!!" Naya yelled out causing Chris to side eye her and for Tati to raise her eyebrow at Eva. "You're enjoying this aren't you!" Eva said struggling feeling really pissed.

"You have 30 seconds." Chris says and the crew began walking. "I'm not running this shit Chris is funny." Naya said crossing her arms and Tati agreeing. "I'm staying with you!" Tati said sticking with Naya.

Time skip...

Naya and Tati had made it to the mess hall with the rest of the team. Naya was breathing heavily from the whole walk. " Uh darling are you good?" Chris said low so only Naya can hear. She froze in place. "Uhhhh I'm good I'd like some water-" Naya stuttered out and then Chris gave her water. And then smiled at her and she smiled back.

And in the corner of Naya's eye she can she Tati smirking and wiggling her eyebrows causing her to smile out of embarrassment. " Heyy Princess how you feeling~" Duncan had came up behind Tati making her jump. "Oh hi Duncan-! I'm okay!" Tati says sighing out in relief and then blushes when she realized what he called her.

"Good I'ma go back to my team catch you later princess~" Duncan winks before leaving causing Tati to cover her face in embarrassment. "Hehe he called you princess~" Naya says evily while giggling and teasing Tati.  "Stopp it." Tati complains to Naya while blushing even more. "What you did the same and as your best friend I have to tease you now let's relax for now."  Naya said.

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