Chapter 5 ☆, Goddess

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Chapter 5
☆, Goddess

Alp was a highly respected figure within her family, although she maintained a low profile, so she wasn't typically seen in public. She had an almost magical ability to remain invisible.

This was because she had another identity as a fashion designer, specializing in creating exquisite and beautiful clothing for omegas. Occasionally, she even served as a model for her own designs under the pseudonym "Bianca." The boss behind the scenes was still her, as Alp not only established this studio to nurture her interests but also to fulfill her family's business responsibilities.

It was well known that high-quality alphas were quite rare. They usually inherited the family business and took on leadership roles. Becoming a fashion designer? Almost impossible. Under this entrenched mindset, her fake identity, Bianca, eliminated the possibility of her being a high-quality Alpha. And because someone like her frequently interacted with omegas with no impact, she was further eliminated as being a regular Alpha.

In the end, she was generally considered an omega or a beta, and why do they mention omega? Because Bianca would have her makeup pre-done by a remarkable makeup artist, transforming her into another style. Compared to her natural look, this makeup made her look softer, and it was challenging to think in that direction with such an outstanding appearance.

Inside a bar, Lu stood by the bar with a piece of paper.

The white paper had a row of neat words and stars drawn deliberately beside them: "Bianca's Meet-and-Greet." Lu bit his pen, recalling the smile Bianca gave him when she turned around. His ears turned red, and he quickly scribbled on the bill, turning that hollow star into a solid black one.

"Hey, big brother, do you know what's bothering our boss?" Lu asked the bartender, who had been absentminded for the past two days, often giggling at the air.

"Ah, it's a minor matter. Every month, there are a few days like this. Understand it."

The bartender explained calmly.

"What?!" The newcomer was shocked.

"Ah, you don't know. Our boss has a goddess, and whenever there's a chance to see her, he gets excited for two or three days. Think about it, the boss is 18 years old, very young, and youth represents vitality."

"Ah." The newcomer feigned understanding.

The young server was still somewhat puzzled. Wasn't the boss a beta? What did it have to do with vitality? Never mind, just focus on working.

At this moment, the bartender finished preparing a drink and invited Lu over for a taste test.

"Hmm... a bit too sweet," Lu said after taking a sip.

"Alright, boss indeed has a refined palate!"

The bartender replied with a smile, his sense of smell was non-existent, and his sense of taste was abysmal. He might as well be on the spectrum.

"Feel free to go tomorrow; I'll manage the shop. No need to rush back, and don't worry if you can't make it back, wait for your good news~" He strongly hinted, "You can go with peace of mind; I hope you meet your 'sister-in-law.'"

"Ah... thank you."

Ugh, Lu felt so bitter at this point. Not to mention their genders, but even now, Bianca didn't recognize him. Every time there was an event, he attended, but it didn't matter. He was there for his moonlight.

In Lu's heart, Bianca was the pride of their omega community. As a member of a group that faced disadvantages in various ways, Bianca had managed to establish a career and fight for her dreams. To him, this was a form of faith. She was his goddess, his goal.

Whenever he saw her from a distance with her delicate profile, gentle smile, and her petite figure (fangirl filter). He couldn't help but feel for her, wondering how there could be such a strong-willed omega. If only he could be like her!

So he opened a chain of "night" services, including a bar, nightclub, and hotel, becoming a prominent figure on the nightlife scene. His motivation was to get to know the goddess and make friends with her. He was still working towards it.

After the meet-and-greet event, in the backstage area.

Lu peeked out from behind a curtain, hiding and searching around. He managed to slip in thanks to some connections, although he was an officially invited guest. He just couldn't resist the urge to catch a glimpse of Bianca. Who knows, maybe there would be an instant attraction?

Screams could be heard as a crowd of people surrounded Bianca.

"Ah, ahh, ahhhhhh! Bianca, sis!!"

"Sis, look at me, look at me!!"

"Goddess, you look so beautiful today!!" The onlookers' cheers were deafening.

Huh? Bianca? Why are there so many unrelated people here today? (Forgetting that he's an unrelated person as well) Bianca was naturally tall, and with high heels, she was easily visible in the crowd.

Her makeup today was exquisite, and whether the goddess was beautiful without makeup, he loved her. He liked her for herself, and this time he was determined to get closer to her.

Bianca simply smiled and politely accepted the gifts from her fans, with her assistant helping to hold them. Some fans were quite enthusiastic, and she didn't understand how one person had managed to get in; it was becoming a bit overwhelming.

Lu, a skinny figure, found himself squeezed into the middle of the crowd. With one misstep, he was pushed forward, almost falling to the ground. Fortunately, a pair of hands caught him. He looked up, and his heart started racing. He couldn't believe it. It was Bianca who had caught him, and her face was so close!

It was his goddess, and she looked so beautiful. His heart raced. She was even more stunning up close. However, she seemed to be more petite than he had imagined. Despite her delicate frame, she had caught him effortlessly. He realized she wasn't wearing high heels.

"Lu Lu?"

Bianca was also surprised to see him here. Was he also a guest for this event, or had he come because he admired her?

"Come with me," she said, grabbing his wrist and leading him away. She gently emitted a bit of pheromones, causing the people around them to freeze. Lu, not having a keen sense of smell, was at an advantage here. He still had no idea that Bianca was an alpha. For now, he couldn't find out.

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